Date of source: Sunday, July 16, 2000
Pope Shenouda says that the doors of repentance are still open before the excommunicated New Testament group. He says that the church was not contented with stripping the leaders of the group of their ecclesiastical ranks, but furthermore the church is following up the issue on the national level...
Date of source: Tuesday, July 16, 2002
The Israeli paper Haaretz reports that the Greek Orthodox patriarch of Jerusalem sent the Israeli president a message in which he condemned the martyrdom operations. He said to the paper, “I am a Greek and have neither political nor national relations with the Palestinians.”
Date of source: Sunday, July 14, 2002
Patriarch Erinious of the Orthodox Church in Jerusalem deposed Father Attallah Hanna, the official spokesman of the church, and appointed a Greek priest in his place because he had refused to condemn martyrdom operations – which followers of the Church considered was submission to Israeli orders....
Date of source: Wednesday, July 21, 2004
In the context of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, one fact is made evident while another is totally eclipsed. The evident fact is the way the Palestinian intifada is ascribed to Islam and Islam is linked to terrorism, while the absent fact is the role of the Christian Palestinians. The former...
Date of source: Saturday, May 14, 2005
Irineos I lied when he said he knew nothing about the deal, for published documents indicated that he knew all about the slightest details. It turned out that Irineos has given legal authority to the fugitive financial agent Nikos Papadimas, who used to run the patriarchy’s real estate affairs. The...
Date of source: Friday, May 6, 2005
The Holy Synod of the [Greek] Orthodox Church, which is the biggest orthodox clerical organization in Palestine, decided to defrock Patriarch Irineos, for reasons of selling church property to colonizing organizations [reference to selling Greek Orthodox property, land and buildings, to Israel,...
Date of source: Wednesday, July 21, 1999
The Archimandrite, Dr. Atalah Hanna, from the Greek Orthodox Church in Jerusalem, discussed in his meeting with Al-Ahali newspaper the Christians’ pilgrimage to Jerusalem and the conditions of the Church and Christians under Israeli rule.
Date of source: Monday, October 12, 1998
The celebrations of ’Bethlehem 2,000’, which will be held this coming Easter marking 2,000 years since the Birth of Christ, have been opposed by the Israelis who said the attendance of Christian pilgrims at the celebrations in Bethlehem would be ’a security threat’.