Displaying 151 - 160 of 270.
Islam has come under fire in some international media circles. Qur’ānic verses are sometimes taken out of context in an attempt to distort the meanings of the Holy Book. The author discusses the media’s interaction with Islam.
Fārouq al-Tawīl examines the relationship between al-Zawāhirī’s latest threats to the United States and Britain, and Blair’s new procedures against British Muslims? Those procedures include; closing mosques, depriving Muslims of British nationality and moving them out of Britain. [Editor: These...
Born under the ‘State of Emergency’, the author accepted the purely apolitical culture imposed by the Egyptian regime. She recounts her experience at the recent anti-terrorism demonstration in Cairo.
The recent terrorist attacks in Sharm al-Sheikh executed by the Abdullah Azzam Brigades which claimed 85 lives and left more than 200 injured are nothing but the last in a long line of terrorist events in Egypt and the entire world.
The terrorism recruitment machine is working hard and sympathizers seem ready to get involved. Among them are the protagonists of fundamentalist fatwas. Such fatwas emanate from names that are well known to us and are unfortunately very influential.
An Islamist who follows the activities of al-Qācida has suggested that the ‘grandsons’ of that organization consider the Internet their ‘shaykh’, not Usāma Bin Lādin or Ayman al-Zawāhirī.
In a few days Ayman al-Zawāhirī, second in command at al-Qā’ida organization, will appear on tape blessing the bombings of Sharm al-Sheikh and promising more in order to destroy the Egyptian kafir [unbeliever] system. This speech will mark the end of all speculation by the security institutions,...
Responses of how the Islamic world could respond to rapid changes and developments. Critique on fake muftīs who issue eccentric and controversial fatwas on satellite television.
Abu Farag al-Lībī, the third man in al-Qā‘ida organization, who was arrested by Pakistani police and handed over to the United States, said that al-Qā‘ida used to receive contributions and financial support from 100 cells scattered across the Middle East.
The first question that comes to mind after the London explosions is: what took them so long? The answer may be that in the past four years the British authorities have succeeded in preventing attacks on a number of occasions.


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