Displaying 11 - 20 of 36.
Meanwhile, the independent syndicate of imāms issued a statement expressing support for the initiative announced by the Azhar under the auspices of Grand Shaykh Dr. Ahmad al-Tayīb to prepare guiding proposals on criteria for the re-formation of a constituent assembly to draft a new constitution for...
Supporters believe the visit is consolidating the concept of the Arabism of al-Quds (Jerusalem) while opponents think it lends legitimacy to the “Zionist entity” that allows entry into the holy city only after it puts its seal on passports and entry visas. The second team stressed support for the...
A recent visit by Muftī of the Republic Dr. ‘Alī Jum’ah to Jerusalem and prayers at the al-Aqsá Mosque along with official Jordanian figures sparked a row among clerics and scholars in the Muslim world. [Ahmad ‘Abd al-Fattāh and Nādir Abū al-Futūh, al-Ahrām, April 19, p. 13] Read original text in...
The Emergency State Security Misdemeanor Court decided to suspend the examination of the cases against Al -Nabaa and Akher Khabar newspapers until it has made a decision concerning the request from the defense to change the members of the jury. The head of the court said that the reasons the...
President Mubarak received Pope Shenouda in Ras al-Tin palace. In a two hour meeting the president and the pope discussed issues concerning Copts and how to maintain national unity. Neither party made a statement after the meeting.
Al-Ahram al-Arabi shed light on the life of monks under the title "We Are Angels Living on Earth." al-Aḥrār reported that after its journalist visited al-Muharraq monastery, it concluded that the expelled monk’s crimes could not have taken place there as al-Nabaa claimed. The history of Christian...
The Supreme State Security Misdemeanors Court held its second session to examine the case of Mamdouh Mahran, the owner and the Editor -in-Chief of al-Nabaa newspaper. The session witnessed many quarrels between Mahran’s lawyers and the lawyers representing the church and Pope Shenouda. Mahran’s...
Mamdouh Mahran, chief editor of the weekly al-Nabaa, claimed that a former Coptic monk had practiced prostitution inside the church. Mahran was highly criticized in Egyptian media and was accused of damaging national unity. His article provoked angry protests by Copts in Assiut and in the main...
The article reports that expelled monk Barsoum Al-Muharaqi and his brother Girges Saad have been released five weeks ago. This former monk had been involved in a sex scandal that caused lots of furor in Egypt.


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