Displaying 21 - 29 of 29.
A lecture on the Islamic conquest of Egypt was held in the Cairo Opera House. The speakers stressed that the Islamic conquest of Egypt was not a colonization. It saved the Copts from the persecution of the Byzantines. They warned against recent attempts to distort Islamic history in Egypt.
The evening of last Thursday was an evening of strong national feelings. On that evening the heads of Islam and Christianity were gathering in the Marqosia church to celebrate the anniversary of the coming of the Holy Family to Egypt. The Grand Imam of the Azhar and Pope Shenouda III, who were...
This article gives an overall view of the history of Egypt, concentrating on the contribution of the Copts to the political and public life of Egyptian society, which varied depending on the type of government in power at each period.
The world of faith and believers is a very special world, a very beautiful one. The world of monasticism and the world of monasteries are two magnificent worlds. Their inhabitants have left the world turning their backs to it for the sake of God Almighty...
From the very beginning, Egypt was never far from Islam. It was not a surprise to Egypt when Muslim armies were marching into it. There was not a single Muslim, during and after the Prophet’s life, who was not certain that Egypt would be opened up by Muslims...
Subtitles: - Saladdin’s army included Muslims and Christians - We build our forces and then look for papers & treaties - We hate the Jews the most because they crucified the Christ Jews are the enemies of the Christ. They are not descendants of Abraham, may God’s peace be upon him. The only...
Fourteen centuries have passed since the Islamic conquest of Egypt and the first meeting between the conquering Arabs and Egyptian Copts. The article discusses the conquest of Egypt, and the relationships between the Copts and the invading army of Arabs.
Pope Shenouda III assured that a deviated minority of Copts abroad does not represent all Egyptian Copts abroad.
A book on the nature of Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt is reviewed. The book points out the friendly nature of relationships between Muslims and Copts in Egypt throughout history. It concentrates mainly on the role of one priest in the 1919 revolution; Father Sergious preached against the...


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