Displaying 101 - 110 of 141.
People's Assembly Speaker Sa'd al-Katātnī announced the final list of the 100 members of the constituent assembly that would draft a new constitution for Egypt. [Muhammad Abū Zayd and Muhammad Sālim, al-Shurūq al-Jadīd, June 13, p. 1] Read text in Arabic
Penetrating the Coptic boycott against Muslim Brotherhood’s presidential candidate Muhammad Mursī for the first time, two envoys of Bishops Bula and Armiyā, one of them a businessman, held a secret meeting with Secretary General of the group’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) ‘Isām al-‘Iryān. [...
Acting patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church Bishop Pachomius said he is not ready to run for the papal post, adding he is more than 77 years old and has his own congregation in the northern Egypt governorate of al-Beheira. [Majdī Fikrī and Hānī Samīr, al-Dustūr, April 23, p. 3] Read text in...
Coptic legislator Ihāb ‘Ādil Ramzī of al-Hurrīyah Party in al-Minya severely criticized the Muslim Brotherhood’s recent announcement to field Khayrat al-Shātir as its candidate for the forthcoming presidential election, adding the group is only bringing back to life the dissolved National...
The Coptic Orthodox Church's Holy Synod formed an 18-member committee that will make a list of nominees for the patriarchic chair. Clergymen on the committee included Bishop Hīdrā of Aswan, Bishop Benjamin of Monufia, Bishop Būla of Tanta, Bishop Abrām of al-Fayoum, Bishop Serapion of Los Angeles...
From before the revolution, many Copts have realized their community suffers from a dearth of political and civic participation. The Coptic Orthodox Church’s Bishopric of Youth, for example, has an area of focus entitled ‘Promoting Coptic Participation in Society’, which I encountered when a...
News is almost never as it appears.  On December 1st I went with investigative researcher and former lieutenant with the Egyptian coastal security Intelligence Rā’id al-Sharqāwī to Tahrīr square.  The square is currently blocked for traffic by perhaps 2,000 demonstrators asking people wanting to...
  A church source has revealed that Pope Shenouda III, head of the Coptic Orthodox Church, is currently examining the crisis of collective resignations from the Orthodox denomination, initiated by the Right to Live Movement at the end of last week.  
Pope Shenouda is reported to have had a number of secret meetings withbishops discussing the Clerical Council's current situation, where Copts have demanded the removal of Bishop Bola, of Tanta, from the presidency of the Council and the appointment of four bishops of his administration. During...
Coptic divorce and second marriages seekers are organizing a protest on Monday, August 15, 2011, demonstrating the return of the church's Clerical Council to its activities starting August 15, 2011.


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