Displaying 21 - 30 of 141.
The papal elections will be held today (October 29) at the Saint Mark Cathedral in the Cairo district of al-‘Abbāssīyah as 2412 voters will cast their ballots in eight boxes. The voting process will end at 05:00 pm, after which counting will start immediately before announcing the names of three of...
Bishop Bula of Tantā, the official spokesman for the committee overseeing the papal elections, said he had contacts with Minister of Interior Ahmad Jamāl al-Dīn on securing the elections, adding the minister will give instructions to deploy some fire engines and ambulances inside the Saint Mark...
The Coptic Orthodox congregation and clergymen are continuing preparations in order to have honorable papal elections to bring the 118th pope in succession of Pope Shenouda III, who passed away on March 17, 2012.
Bishop Bula, the official spokesman for the papal elections committee, said there is no judicial supervision over the elections scheduled for Monday (October 29), adding the committee will choose six aides from the 2412 voters to help oversee the voting process.
The Nasr City Court of Misdemeanor is starting the first session in the trial of Ahmad Muhammad Mahmūd ‘Abd Allāh, better known as Abū Islām, the chairman of al-Omma (Nation) channel, his son Islām, the channel’s executive director, and Hānī Muhammad Yāsīn, a journalist in al-Tahrīr newspaper, on...
Bishop Bula, the spokesman for the Coptic Orthodox Church, said the church has not so far extended an invitation to President Muhammad Mursī to attend the enthronement of the 118th pope of the chair of Saint Mark in succession of Pope Shenouda III, who passed away on March 17, 2012.
Dr. Sha’bān ‘Abd al-‘Alīm, Secretary of the Salafī al-Nūr (Light) Party in Beni Suef, said Article 2 of the Constitution was the most controversial simply because the mass media depicted to citizens that the Salafists came just to implement the sharī’ah that Bishop Bula gave candies in expression...
 Bishop Bula of Tantā, the spokesman for the Coptic Orthodox Church and a member of the nominations committee for the papal elections, said the committee is still working in Wādī al-Natrūn, adding the announcement of the seven names that will vie over the chair of Saint Mark is not expected this...
Bishop Bula of Tantā, the official spokesman for the papal elections committee, said no candidate has been disqualified so far, adding the committee has already met the 10 monks to get to know about their ideas and opinions.
 Bishop Bula of Tantā, the official spokesman for the Coptic Orthodox Church, said that Bishop Kyrillos of Milan withdrew from the elections over the papal chair of Saint Mark in succession of Pope Shenouda III, who passed away in March.


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