Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
To the sound of the hymns of “Sunday Dawn,” “The Resurrection,” and other songs, a boat sailed on cruise of the Nile on which there was a group of priests, tourism investors, and university professors, as well as representatives of Egyptian communities who lived abroad, to inaugurate a new...
In a message confirming the unity of the Egyptian people, a number of Christian representatives in the House of Representatives were keen to congratulate Egyptians on the advent of the Islamic New Year.
From July 26 to July 7, the Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development and the Center for Arab-West Understanding, jointly administered a highly successful intercultural summer school. The school was sponsored through the SGP party (Reformed Political Party) in the Netherlands, who support...
Residents of al-Khusūs have confirmed that the majority of the Muslims arrested have no connection to the event and were arrested unjustly after security forces stormed their homes and threatened the families with weapons. Maj. Gen. Mahmūd Yusrī, Director of al-Qalyubia Security Department, denied...
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