Displaying 41 - 50 of 69.
The Egyptian press relentlessly covers the national and international reactions to Geert Widers’ film ’Fitna’. A young man in Saudi Arabia has made a movie to respond to ’Fitna’. He used shots that showed British solders filming Iraqis being tortured and simultaneously displayed Biblical texts that...
The following issue of AWR presents a number of articles on the recent disputes around the monastery of Abū Fānā, Upper Egypt, including AWR interviews with governor Ahmed Dia el-Din, father Dumadios from the Monastery of Abu Fana, the head of the Arab Bani Khaled tribe, two prominent shaykhs, four...
The Egyptian press reported on the international reactions to the controversial Dutch movie Fitna.
The article presents the reactions of Egyptian newspapers to the increasing offensives against the Prophet Muhammad in Western media.
The article presents the responses from Egyptian newspapers over the republication of the offensive drawings of the Prophet Muhammad.
The article reports on the reprint of an offensive caricature of the Prophet Muhammad by many Danish and European newspapers that was made just one day after a plot to murder of its cartoonist was foiled.
The importance of translation and its impact on expanding knowledge and building inter-cultural bridges is focused on, as well as the upcoming launch of the Electronic Network for Arab West Understanding.
Mayy Samīr reports on a new Dutch short film, directed by Geert Wilders, the leader of the conservative Dutch Freedom Party (PVV), who is known for his anti-Islamic attitudes. The film will concentrate on the holy Qur’ān.
Many Dutch organizations and public figures are starting a movement against the attempts of hard-line politician Geert Wilders, leader of the Party for Freedom in the Netherlands, to offend Islam.
Fadel Soliman refutes Geert Wilder’s suppositions presented in his film ’Fitna.’ The following article provides Soliman’s critique on the manipulation employed by Wilder in his film.


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