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An international festival for Coptic music and melodies, entitled "The Eternal Nile" was held in Paris. It was organized jointly by the Coptic Association in France and the Syndicate du Personnel de l’ UNESCO."
Osama Salama´s words are sharp, full of anger about Coptic emigrants. People in Egypt, other Arab countries, Europe, the US and Israel itself protest against the Israeli atrocities against the Palestinians. But where are the voices of the emigrant Copts and Arab Christians? We checked the Copts...
On the occasion of the Coptic New Year’s Day, the Christian Church of Egypt gave a presentation in the auditorium of UNESCO, Paris, under the title of Le Nil Eternel (The Eternal Nile).
An Italian organization called "The Revival of Mediterranean Cultures" invited the Al-Shazeli group for Sufi chanting and a team presenting Coptic chants will participate in a show organized by the institution. The director of the Academy of Egyptian Arts in Italy said that this is a good chance...
Coptic music becomes more and more known outside Egypt. Coptic music groups are frequently invited to sing outside Egypt.
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