Displaying 61 - 69 of 69.
The Egyptian parliament yesterday debated the movie, ‘The Da Vinci Code’ at the request of several Coptic members, who demanded a ban on both the movie and the book for being blasphemous to Jesus Christ. The Egyptian minister of culture, Dr. Fārouq Husnī, vowed to ban the movie and to pull the...
A People’s Assembly session was dedicated to debating the assaults on churches in Alexandria by an allegedly insane Muslim man, who stabbed one worshipper to death and injured several others. The session also discussed the failure of the security agencies to stop the culprit.
Controversial views from Copts concerning civil marriage as a way to avoid problems in obtaining divorce and remarriage licenses from the Church.
Interviews with a Christian judge and a protestant pastor on the issue of Khula’ in Christianity and the Personal Status Law for Christians.
About 12 million Egyptians are Copt, but there are at least seven million above the age of 18, who have the right to vote, but do not register their names in the voting books.
In a patriotic, courageous initiative, MP Mohamed Gweily, head of the Complaint and Suggestions Committee of the People’s Assembly, proposed a unified draft law to govern the building, restoration, renovation, an maintenance of all places of worship in Egypt- Muslim, Christian, or Jewish. The draft...
A member of Parliament of the Muslim Brotherhood said that Egypt should prevent the trade of wine because Egypt is an Islamic country. However, Dr. Zeinab Radwan and Dr. Abdel-Mo’ti Bayoumi believe that there is nothing wrong about non-Muslims drinking wine in Egypt. Dr. Georget Sobhi [a Christian...
The Egyptian law relies on the French law concerning crimes of adultery. This way, the law lacks equality between men and women in cases when one of them is caught red handed in marital unfaithfulness. It also lacks equality in the punishment related to this crime. Many men of law believe that the...
The article presents the views of some members of the National Council for Human Rights regarding the responsibilities of the newly-established council and the change it will bring to Egyptian political life.


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