Displaying 71 - 78 of 78.
Presidential hopefuls and a number of public figures expressed their condolences and deep sorrow for the death of Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III. Namely, 'Amr Mūsá, Mansūr Hasan, Hamadīn Sabāhī, Dr. 'Abd al-Mun'im Abū al-Futūh and Hāzim Salāh Abū Isma'īl, Dr. Muhammad al-Barād'ī and Ahmad Shafīq...
As an American Christian in Egypt I find that I instinctively view events here through the following lens: Liberals are the good guys, Islamists are the bad guys, and the army is somewhere in between, perhaps neutral, perhaps not. Complicated times beg for simplistic narratives, and this one...
The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) inaugurated the new building of the MB party "Freedom and Justice" on May 21, 2011, in al-Muqattam. Each of both potential presidential candidate 'Amr Mūsá and Hamdīn Sabāhī, as well as 'Abd al-'Azīz Hijāzī, Rif'at al-Sa'īd, Sāmih 'Āshūr, Mahfūz 'Azām, Ambassador Rifā'...
Members of the Journalists´ Syndicate and intellectuals severely attacked U.S. attempts to penetrate the Arab media in general, and the Egyptian media in particular. They also censured the government for approving the publishing of newspapers that propagate American ideas, while it bans the...
The Muslim Brotherhood had their yearly iftar [breakfast in Ramadan] party last Sunday . A large number of political and media figures in Egypt were invited. Saad Eddin Ibrahim, president of the Ibn Khaldoun Center, appeared for the first time at a public occasion. He sat at the table of Ma’moun Al...
What the Brotherhood achieved in these elections arouses many questions. How were they able to win these 15 seats? How will they act in the parliament? Are they going to cause a clash in the parliament which they entered after exerting such a great effort? Will they exert an effort to issue a law...
A new political party called Karama is launched. Among the 160 founding members of Karama are 20 women and eight Christians.
Some 200 Egyptian journalists staged a sit-in at the headquarters of their syndicate on August 21, to protest the imprisonment of three of their colleagues and call for the abrogation of laws they said stifle press freedom and inhibit free speech.


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