Displaying 71 - 80 of 292.
A new security drive had targeted key figures of the banned Muslim Brotherhood group within days after announcing the platform of their alleged political party.
The author interviews Jamāl al-Bannā, brother of Haṣan al-Bannā who founded the Muslim Brotherhood, on a number of issues relevant to Egyptian society today, including Muslim-Christian relations.
The article is the first in a series of articles that discuss the idea of a religious state. The author presents excerpts of articles that show the progression of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the influence that their ideals are currently having on society.
Dr. Fāṭimah Sayyid Ahmad considers the role of the Muslim Brotherhood in politics, where this role originated, and how the Brotherhood justifies their calls to establish an Islamic state.
Although the Muslim Brotherhood has decided to delay the establishment of their long-awaited political party, liberal thinkers attack its political platform, warning that it supports sectarianism.
The author talks about the Muslim Brotherhood and their ideology as an example of the so-called ’Islamized Terrorism’ which is based on a deliberate confusion between Islam and political interests.
The author records religious trends participation in the political life of Egypt.
The Brotherhood’s middle-class composition and capitalist, right-wing economic policies. Tāriq Ramadān appointed as an anti-terrorism advisor to the British government.
Religious education in Egypt is no longer exclusive to Azharian schools and institutes but there are schools that call themselves ‘Islamic’ that advertise their intentions to offer education in an Islamic manner.


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