Displaying 31 - 35 of 35.
According to Sheikh Youssef Al-Qaradawi, there are three kinds of kufr [unbelief]. There is atheism [elhad], which is a total denial of the existence of the Almighty God. There is polytheism [shirk], which means believing in more than one god. The third kind is the denial of Islam and the message...
The greatest Egyptian critic, Dr. Abdel Qader El-Qot, who participated in the committee which studied the novel "A Banquet for Seaweed" and who prepared a report for the Higher State Security Prosecutor, warned about the superficial understanding of a literary work. He assured that the Azhar has...
The Syrian novelist, Haider Haider, defended himself in a telephone conversation with the author and refuted the charges of insulting the Qur’an and humiliating the Prophet. He said "I would have chosen my words [differently] if I had written this novel for Egyptians because I know that the...
Nobody ever thought that the young man dressed in a suit and tarboush [head cover used widely in Egypt until the 1950’s], sitting in a cafe in [the city of] Ismailia with some of his friends, would be the founder of the biggest violent group in Egypt throughout the twentieth century. That was in...
Situated in Old Cairo are the oldest church, mosque and Jewish synagogue in Egypt. All three of these buildings are located in one unique area.


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