Displaying 1 - 10 of 17.
The Azhar will participate in the activities of the first seminar of the Egyptian-German religious dialogue. The Azhar will participate with a research paper titled “Citizenship in religious discourse…Islamic perspective.” The seminar is organized in cooperation with the German Evangelical Academy...
Chiefs of top religious institutions in Egypt dismissed accusations that they have been dragging their feet in the fight against terror or in efforts to spread the enlightened genuine image of Islam. They assert that imāms have been reiterating Islam’s renunciation of terrorism and bombings.
The Ministry of Waqfs held its annual meeting on “Islamic thinking.” Discussions that took place in the meeting showed that Islam and Christianity can coexist and that Egypt is the best example of peaceful coexistence among the revealed religions.
The Minister of Endowments denied all reports by international news agencies and papers concerning the interference of Egyptian authorities. This is in regard to specifying the subject matter to be preached in Friday sermons as a result of foreign pressure.
The Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services, the Azhar and the Ministry of Islamic Endowments arrange a Christian-Muslim conference. It was agreed in the opening session that Egypt is a lenient country whose Christians were never a racial minority as claimed by American reports.
Sessions of the Twelfth Islamic Conference of the Founding Committee of the International Islamic Council for Da’wa [Islamic missionary activity or ’inviting or calling people to worship Allah by following the messenger of Allah] and Aid began in Cairo last Monday. In his speech, the Grand Sheikh...
The grand imam Dr. Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi, the Sheikh of Al-Azhar, met the Vatican delegation which is visiting Egypt in order to prepare for the visit of Pope John II, the Pope of the Vatican, to Egypt on February 24 [, 2000].
During his meeting with the students of Alexandria University, the Great Imam, Dr. Mohammed Sayed Tantawi, the sheikh of Al-Azhar, confirmed that Egypt has never known the religious persecution because it is the country of all religions since the first daybreak.
Tomorrow Abu Bakr Al-Sedik Camp will start. The Camp is held under the supervision of Dr. Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq, the minister of Al-Awqaf. The aim of this youth gathering is to spread the correct Islamic call during the summer vacation.
The International Islamic Conference began today under the supervision of President Hosni Mubarak. In the opening session of the conference, President Mubarak confirmed the importance of the unity of the Islamic world. 75 countries are participating in this conference in addition to 188...


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