Displaying 11 - 17 of 17.
[and Al-Wafd, April 15, 1999.] The Joint Islamic-Catholic Dialogue Committee, which represents the Azhar and the Papal Council [for Interreligious Dialogue], has condemned the brutal actions being taken by the Serbs in Kosovo.
The next annual International Islamic Conference in Egypt will be held from June 22-25, [1999] in Cairo. The conference which will be attended by intellectuals from 85 countries and will be researching the preparations of a cultural project for the renaissance of the Islamic world, especially...
Dr. Mahmoud Hamdy Zakzouk, the Minister of Endowments, announced that all arable lands registered as Coptic endowments will be given back to the Coptic Endowments Authority. These lands were managed by the Egyptian Endowments Authority. The Ministry has started to change this situation beginning...
Dr. Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq, minister of religious endowments met with Senator Frank Wolf and answered questions by the senator and his aides on the religious relations in Egypt.
Top on the agenda of problems that have to be solved in the Islamic world is the problem of illiteracy which reached 45% and terrorism which results in some countries in a wrong understanding of Islam.
[mentioned in Al-Ahram of the same day and most other newspapers] Dr. Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq, the minister of religious endowments, agreed to return 387 acres to the Coptic endowments authority. The dispute over who manages the Coptic Endowments, the ministry or the Coptic Orthodox Church, has ended...
The Grand Imam and Sheikh of Al-Azhar mosque and Mohamed Hamdi Zakzouk Minister of Religious Endowments met with a delegation from American churches to answer questions about religious issues in Egypt.


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