Displaying 1 - 10 of 11.
Another celebrated Egyptian journalist is urging the drafting of a new journalistic code of ethics through a committee of the profession’s elders.
In an interview to Rose al-Yousuf magazine, veteran journalist Makram Muhammad Ahmad said that harshening punishments against journalists harms society and that activating the profession;s code of ethics would solve a lot of problems.
A veiled TV broadcaster claimed that the head of Egyptian TV insulted and hit her because she wears the veil. The head of TV denied such claims and said that the broadcaster stirs up her veiled colleagues and harasses the rest. The head of Radio and Television Union made it clear that a broadcaster...
The author believes that the latest bloody and hideous bombings in Riyadh have some positive aspects. Sheikhs specialized in “terrorism fatwas” renounced their “devilish” opinions that have led to bloody massacres perpetrated by terrorists who claimed to lift the banner of Jihad. Among the most...
There has been news on the Internet that the Egyptian Censorship Department on Artistic Works rejected the filming of an American movie titled “The Pharaonic Witch” in which the main role is played by actress Sharon Stone. The film is said to contain claims about the Jews being the builders of the...
TV program "Al-Rahman Alaam Al-Qur´an" [The Merciful teaches the Qur´an] presented by Sheikh Muhammad Hidaya brings to the surface the issue of “Show preachers.” Because of the many mistakes Hidaya communicates in the program, the Azhar demands that only Azhar graduates should be hosted...
Translator ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Shaykh talks about the hot issue pertaining to the book “Life of Muhammad.” He assures that the available controversial copy is a forged one.
In his closed meeting with TV and radio announcers, Information Minister Mamdouh Al- Biltagy said “we should not present veiled announcers on screen due to the current Western view of Muslims as terrorists. “Egyptian females are modest, whether veiled or not.”
Nine female announcers of Egyptian TV retired to wear the hejab. This fact makes a respectable career like that of an announcer join the club of disreputable careers that can only be redeemed by wearing the hejab. It cannot be separated from the belief that a woman without the hejab is less...
Most of the Arab news TV stations use some cinema tricks to balloon incidents and news reports and perhaps fabricate groundless reports. They sometimes twist ordinary incidents to give hideous impressions and depict those incidents as if they were the end of the world.


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