Displaying 21 - 30 of 54.
The Muslim Brotherhood want to form a political party to end their series of failed coalitions with other parties. Dr. Essam Al-Erian said that founding a Brotherhood Party was the only way to end the stagnation in the Egyptian political arena.
Although President Mubarak ordered the inclusion of the historical period before the July Revolution [1952], which was ignored, in history books, the Coptic history is not included till now. The Minister of Education formed a committee to write the Coptic history under the Byzantine Empire which...
Despite the attempts of the minister of education to limit the influence of extremist teachers in public schools, extremists are still spreading their destructive ideas among their fellow teachers and students. The minister moved about 3,000 extremist teachers to administrative positions,...
The Education Minister declared in the Shura Council that extremists controlled 90% of educational institutions in Egypt. He prevented 3,000 teachers from teaching, believing that they taught students extremist ideas. He said that security forces found long-term plans prepared by extremist...
Lawyer Mamdouh Nakhla filed a lawsuit against the Minister of Education, appealing against the minister not taking a decision concerning teaching Coptic History in schools.
Many intellectuals were asked about their opinion regarding the return of Nasr Hamed Abu-Zeid to Egypt. Essam Al-Erain said that he would welcome Dr. Nasr Hamed Abu-Zeid back to Egypt because the case had been transformed from a disagreement on scientific research and points of view into a...
Dr. Saadeddin Ibrahim resumed yesterday his attack against the accusations leveled against him and 27 other defendants. The court listened to the statements of defense witnesses Major General Ahmed Abdel Halim and Ambassador Mohamed Shaker, who both ruled out Ibn Khaldun’s involvement in any...
The author explained that the meaning of the word Copt means Egyptian and not Christian. That is only an invention of Christians which was accepted by some Muslim Egyptian intellectuals. He conclude his article by asking the Ministers of Education and Higher Education to review the place of Coptic...
Two years ago, Watani got to know that the Minister of Education agreed to compensate neglecting the Coptic history and civilization in history school books. However, the Pharaonic village gets ahead of the Ministry of Education in remembering the Coptic history. This remembrance is incarnated in...
The work of developing the village of Al-Kosheh, Sohag Governorate, a beginning in the planning and developing the villages of the republic continues. Some of the projects ended in the last week, and some are still being done.


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