Displaying 11 - 20 of 25.
The Criminal Cassation Prosecution in Egypt accepted an appeal lodged against the sentence handed down to Saad Eddin Ibrahim. Ibrahim’s lawyer said that if the court of cassation accepts the appeal, Ibrahim should be released immediately.
Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim has lodged an appeal against the imprisonment sentence handed down to him. The appeal is based on 14 reasons that have to do with violating and misinterpreting the law and the constitution on the part of the court. Accepting the appeal means a granting of a new trial before...
Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim has lodged an appeal through his lawyer against the seven-year imprisonment sentence handed down to him. Judicial sources expect a political intervention to hasten work in the case.
The Cairo Court of Appeal set the date of April 27 for the retrial of Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim. The decision of retrying Ibrahim came after he was released last February due to the acceptance of the appeal he lodged against the seven-year imprisonment sentence he received.
Journalists are not above the law. They should be subject to the jurisdiction of the code of conduct. Dr. Shawqī al-Sayyid views the journalists’ menace as an unacceptable catastrophe.
The Egyptian Cassation court postponed until January 16, 2002, the hearing of the appeal lodged by Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim. The American Embassy in Cairo issued a statement in which it expressed its concerns concerning the postponement of the examination of the appeal. Ibrahim’s lawyer criticized...
Saad Eddin Ibrahim hopes to be retried, especially as the court declared the military decree under which he was tried and convicted unconstitutional. December 19 was the date set for deciding about the appeal he lodged against the seven-year prison sentence he was given in the case against the Ibn...
Saad Eddin Ibrahim was charged with violating the military law No. 4/ 1992. This law considered collecting funds and donations from foreign bodies without informing the authorities offensive to the government. But his lawyer obtained a copy of a legal principle set by the appeal court, in which it...
Saad Eddin Ibrahim’s lawyer decided to lodge an appeal against his seven-year prison sentence within the appeals procedure’s time limit. Despite Ibrahim’s deteriorating health condition, Salih asked him to stop asking to be released because of it.
The head of the solicitors committee defending Saad Eddin Ibrahim said that he did not accept any attempts to interfere in his case, whether local or international, and also that he trusted the honesty of the Egyptian court. He confirmed that the Israeli Prime Minister had not interfered in the...


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