Displaying 11 - 20 of 33.
A list of articles on the recent controversial press law from a variety of Egyptian news sources.
The author discusses the recent confrontations in the Egyptian Parliament between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Interior Minister Habīb al-‘Ādlī over a number of thorny issues.
The Egyptian parliament yesterday debated the movie, ‘The Da Vinci Code’ at the request of several Coptic members, who demanded a ban on both the movie and the book for being blasphemous to Jesus Christ. The Egyptian minister of culture, Dr. Fārouq Husnī, vowed to ban the movie and to pull the...
The article reports on a tour of US churches for some Christian and Muslim figures organized by the American embassy in Cairo.
The author focuses on some aspects of the draft law on the abolition of imprisonment of journalists, which will soon be referred to the People’s Assembly for a final debate.
The article reports on contacts between ‘Adlī Abādīr, an extremist expatriate Copt and Mahir Khilla, a Coptic activist living in Egypt, who turned down Abādīr’s invitation to a conference held in Zurich to discuss Coptic problems, as a result of which, Abādīr accused Khilla of treachery.
In an unprecedented move in the history of Israeli extremists, Israeli rabbis issued a fatwa that brands Sharon an unbeliever in order to pave the way for his assassination if he crosses the line. Sharon was accused of unbelief only because he considered satisfying the United States by dismantling...
An Israeli TV program depicted Christian clergymen in a disparaging manner. Italian sources stated to the Israeli paper Ma’ariv that if Jewish men of religion were mocked in the same way, Jewish organizations would have considered that an act of anti-Semitism. Full Text
Rose El-Youssef created a special file on extremism and terrorism. The file discusses cassette tapes that degrade women in Egyptian society, the fact that some lawyers looking for fame collaborate with extremists, that some scholars oppose scholarly development and that terrorists have turned to...
The article discusses gloating by some Israeli newspapers and websites over the disaster of Egypt’s 35-year old ferry al-Salām Boccaccio 98, which sank some 50 miles off Egypt. The paper says that many Israelis celebrated the ordeal in which hundreds of Egyptians were killed.


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