Displaying 1 - 7 of 7.
Dr. Muḥammad Mukhtār Jumʿa, Minister of Awqāf, congratulated Shaykh Jābir Ṭāyiʿ Yūsif Sulṭān, former head of the religious sector at the Ministry of Awqāf, on obtaining a PhD from the Faculty of Arts, Minūfiya University, for a thesis entitled, “Egypt’s Ministry of Awqāf Efforts in spreading...
Shaykh Jābir Ṭāyiʿ, head of the religious sector, stated that the Awqāf Ministry (Religious Endowments) sets some conditions for preachers who use the pulpits [minbar]. These conditions include being an Azharian (al-Azhar graduate) or holding a license from the Ministry of al-Awqāf.
Shaykh Jābir Ṭāyiʿ, head of the religious sector at the Ministry of Endowments [al-Awqāf], refused to have an interview with Aljazeera [al-Jazīra] to respond to its allegations of corruption within the endowment affairs management. 
Jābir Ṭāyiʿ, head of the Religious Sector at the Religious Endowments Ministry, revealed the details of Endowments Minister Dr. Muḥammad Mukhtār Jumaʿa’s decision to make ʿAbd Allāh Rushdī a legal researcher instead of an imām, his former position.
Sources revealed that the Ministry of Endowments [al-Awqāf] handed over the file of Shaykh Aḥmad Hammām, preacher at the Endowment Directorate in Alexandria, to administrative prosecution to investigate him for violations. He is reported to have supported the killing of those who insult the Prophet...
The official spokesperson of the Ministry of Endowments, Aḥmad al-Qāḍī, caused controversy after he had said that the Ministry considers opening mosques during the holy month of Ramadan for Imams only. In a phone interview with TV presenter Aḥmad Mūsā, Aḥmad al-Qāḍī stated that the ministry would...
Muslim and Christian religious leaders stressed their support for the government’s measures to prevent the spread of the novel Coronavirus.  They praised President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī, Prime Minister Dr. Mustafā Madbūlī, and all government’s decisions taken in order to lighten the negative...
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