Displaying 11 - 20 of 43.
Shaymā’ ‘Abd al-Laṭīf interviewed Dr. Muṣṭafá al-Shak‘ah, member of the Islamic Research Academy, on Islamic-related issues such as his opinion on the recent controversial Fatwás, the role of the academy in censoring books, and the recent calls to purify religious books from weak Ḥadīths.
The recent statement by the Shaykh of Azhar Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi in which he said that the French government has the right to impose a ban on the H...
The increasing phenomenon of Fatwás being issued by “satellite Shaykhs” is discussed. The author questions who has the authority to control these Fatwás, and why they issue is not being focused on.
The author condemns the Islamic Shaykhs of al- Nās satellite channel.
The writer records some arguments over some religious texts including al Ahād hadīths, Ḥijāb and circumcision. Also she discusses the question of right hadīths and what is called scarified hadīths.
A number of Bahā’īs respond to the State Commissioner Authority’s report that considered them murtad. The article stresses how the Bahā’īs will appeal this decree in an attempt to gain equal status as Egyptian citizens.
Subtitle:Who has the right to tolerate in the religion of our God? Who is the greatest, the Imam or our God?An interview with Dr. Yehya Ismael, the secretary general of the Front of Azhar Scholars, about the battle which the front has started against the Sheikh of the Azhar, Dr. Mohammed...
The review deals with the issue of the Bahā’ī faith in Egypt in the light of a recent court ruling allowing their religion to be included in official documents like identity cards, passports or birth certificates, amidst an outcry from the Azhar and several intellectuals.
‘Ulā Muṣṭafá ‘Āmir writes about the statement issued by the Islamic Research Academy about al-Jamā‘ah al-Ahmadīyah.
The controversial fatwa of the muftī of the republic, Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘a, concerning the prohibition of full-figure statues has turned Egyptian newspapers into a field of debate, where Islamic thinkers voice their views on the issue.


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