Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
Terrorism has proliferated in nearly all Islamic and Arab countries despite the differences between the ruling regimes. Within the Palestinian people’s resistance against the Israeli occupation, the phenomenon spread that some called “suicide bombing” and others called “martyrdom operations.”
The Supreme State Security Prosecution has started investigations with ten members of the disbanded Muslim Brotherhood group, who have been arrested during a raid in a house where they were meeting.
Peace and security returned to Al-Kosheh. For the first time in many years, the citizens of Al-Kosheh are dreaming of the future because their village will be transformed into a perfect village.
Mustafa Abdel-Qader, Minister of Local Development visited the Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Belyana. He was accompanied by Ahmed Abdel-Aziz Bakr, governor of Sohag, political and local authorities and Moslem religious officials. He met with Christian clergy and Bishop Wissa, bishop of Belyana and...
The Supreme State Security Agency continued yesterday broad investigations into the incidents of Al-Koshh in which twenty citizens died and thirty-three were injured. A team from the agency’s investigators traveled to the scene to question the defendants and the witnesses as well as inspecting the...
After the security forces acquired complete control, the conflict incidents in Al-Koshh village, Dar Al-Salam city and the nearby villages ceased. Life started going back to normal. Security authorities have started intense search campaigns to seize a number of runaway conflict instigators. ... In...
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