Displaying 1 - 10 of 17.
The article reports on a parliamentary session in which a law on banning the arrangement of rallies in places of worship was approved.
The article reports that the new U.S. ambassador in Egypt Mrs. Margaret Scobey will start her tasks in the next week.
Sa‘d al-Dīn Ibrāhīm is a “perambulatory exile.” The international press and political leadership support the cause of Ibrāhīm who is facing eight claims filed against him by influential members of the ruling National Democratic Party in Egypt. More details in the following lines.
The press review sheds light on a meeting recently held between House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and a leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad Sa‘d al-Katātnī, at the U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Francis Riccardone’s residence. It also highlights an alleged deal between the Brotherhood and...
A recent meeting held between Democratic House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood bloc in the Egyptian parliament, Dr. Muhammad Sa‘d al-Katātinī at the U.S. ambassador’s residence in Cairo, has raised many questions about the possibility of future dialogue...
Although the Criminal Court has issued a verdict canceling a decision of the High State Security Prosecution putting two prominent Muslim Brotherhood leaders, Dr ‘Isām al- ‘Iryān and Muhammad Mursī, under house arrest, many criticized the group for adhering to a vague political and religious...
The article is about a draft law proposed by Anthony Weiner, member of the US House of Representatives, in January 2004. The draft law bans the U.S. from giving military aid to Egypt. The article gives information about the laws approved by the US senate targeting Syria and Saudi Arabia.
Academic article on the impact of the Coptic lobby outside Egypt, a relatively small group of people who use the latest communication technology to increase their voice.
In the early hours of last Thursday, following a day-long debate, the People’s Assembly approved, by a hefty majority, a new bill designed to regulate the activities of some 15,000 registered non-governmental organizations (NGOs). However, the bill did not go down well with 11 opposition deputies...
The People’s Assembly’s Culture Committee was the scene of stormy debates this week over the Culture Ministry’s plans to organize a celebration marking the advent of the next millennium. Among other questions that the Culture Minister Farouk Hosni was asked, was this one: "The celebration will be...


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