Displaying 11 - 20 of 22.
This article tackled the problems of the merchants of Dar Al-Salaam. They have been asking the officials for help, but the officials advise them to wait. During these last few months, they have been losing a lot of money and nobody is compensating them. They were promised compensation, but this...
Many [mainly Christian] merchants in Dar Al-Salaam suffered damages to properties and shops amounting to tens and even hundred of thousands of Egyptian pounds in the riots that engulfed the city and Al-Kosheh at the beginning of the year. Government neglect and procrastination in paying out...
Watani comments on the recent visit of Ibrahim Suleiman, the Minister for Housing, General Mustafa Abdel-Qader, the Minister for Local Development, and General Ahmed Abdel-Aziz Bakr, the Governor of Sohag, to Al-Kosheh.
In the first initiative of its kind, the University of Assiut opened the door for discussing and studying the humanitarian and social implication of Al-Kosheh disaster. The university invited several professors and intellectuals from several streams in the symposium titled: "A country without...
... We have mentioned before that some of the harmed families have missed the date of filing reports to the investigation authorities, either because they did not know of the date, or because they lived far away at the ends of the village, or because of fear...
Though some shops damaged in the riots in Al-Kosheh suffered damaged amounting to 200,000 EgP a ministerial decision has limited the maximum compensation that any individual who suffered loss in the riots will receive from the Egyptian government to 1,000 EgP.
Some are inquiring about the probability of the main market in Al-Kosheh regaining its position as the jewel of trade on the Eastern line of Upper Egypt after the specification of the new shops free for the kiosks owners. The government is taking the necessary measures to repair the damage done.
At the "Quddaas Al-Arbaien" held last Thursday in the Archangel Michael Church for the spirits of those who were killed in Al-Kosheh was presided over by Bishop Wissa of Al-Balyana and Dar Al-Salaam, General Bishop Yo’annes, the delegate of His Holiness the Pope, and the secretary of the pope. A...
Following the days of the painful Al-Kosheh incidents, many statements have been voiced on the compensations given by the state to the victims of Al-Kosheh and Dar Al-Salaam. In the course of looking out for the truth, we came across a report prepared by the Relief Center of the Directorate of...
Every citizen in Dar Al-Salaam knows the story of Manal Zarief Fares and her husband Mamdouh Noshi Qulta. She said: "When we heard the shooting and our wooden house door being broken down, I hid with my husband and three children under the bed. They came in and stole everything that was in the...


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