Displaying 41 - 50 of 252.
News has spread about two miracles that were carried out by the late Roman Pope John Paul II. Officers of the Vatican are searching for the truth of the news, saying that they will declare the late pope a "saint" if they prove a third miracle, as the rules of the church command.
The author articulates some basic rules of interfaith dialogue, which he asserts should be followed by all parties.
Views of Muslim scholars differ over whether to accept the so-called "apology" of Pope Benedict for the remarks he made about Islam a few weeks ago. Nearly 38 Muslim scholars and leaders sent a letter to the pope to indicate their appreciation of the pope’s expression of regret and his affirmation...
An overview of the life of Cardinal Franz Konig, the Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna and one of the principal architects of the Second Vatican Council
The author gives an overview of Pope Benedict’s life and how he distinguished himself in the past as a powerful but controversial conservative factor in the Vatican.
From Rasputin to Bin Lādin, religion has always had a role in politics and in political plans. The following text depicts biographies of a number of people whose religious engagements played a role in their political life.
Western history is full of falsifications against Islam. The real conflict is not between Muslims and Christians of the region, but between the West and the Islamic orient.
The head of the Islamic Council in Italy asserts that there is no problem between Islam and Christianity. For him the problem lies in Western culture that does not understand Muslims’ attempts to defend the spirituality of their creed. To him the West refuses spirituality, this is a problem in...
This article discusses the political influence of key church figures.
From the crusades until now, religion has always been taken as an excuse to wage war. The pope’s recent attitude reveals his political orientation.


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