Displaying 341 - 350 of 415.
One year ago, a monthly publication was born called al-Kat ība al-T ībiyya, meaning ‘the T ībiyya battalion’, referring to T ība, the capital of ancient Egypt. The publication has focused on digging up the history of the dark ages, pointing out sectarian differences and fuelling the flames of...
The head of the Azhar University’s decision to compel Christian students to memorize the Holy Qur’ān has angered educated Christians. They consider the decision a contravention, both of the Egyptian constitution, and of the principle of equality.
The statement issued by the church in support of the nomination of Mubārak for a new presidential term has triggered diverse reactions from Coptic commentators.
The Church is at a critical point and state, and the negative repercussions of such a state are creating fierce defensive reactions accusing those opening such portfolio traitors, heretics, and perpetrators. The patience and negligence of such internal problems led to an avalanche of events and...
Within the next few days, a delegation of Catholic men of religion will visit the Holy Land in Palestine. This is their second journey since Easter. This journey created resentment among Orthodox leaders who consider this action a violation to the majority, as Pope Shenouda III announced that...
Arabs invented the term “Zionist Christianity” to explain American support for Israel, not considering the fact that “interests” govern international relationships. They believe that the USA is a materialistic society where religion has no importance. But, then they contradict themselves by...
“The Divine Will Behind the Structure of the Church” is a book written by a monk from Anba Maqar monastery. It discusses many present issues concerning the church, its identity, principles and laws. The article covers most of the ideas expressed in the book.
The author of this article quotes several people, the conglomoration of which reveals that the secular-based Coptic council, al-Majlis al-Mīllī, is very important and provides much assistance to the Copts and the Church, but that it also currently has many weaknesses which must be sorted through.
As al-Majlis al-Mīllī [Coptic Orthodox Denominational Council] elections draw near, some Coptic figures, intellectuals and clergymen have criticized the church for interfering in the elections. Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria has been accused of favoring a circle of Copts close to him....
Verbal skirmishes took place between the Copts and Dr. Jamāl Nassār, the media advisor of the Muslim Brotherhood murshid [guide], after Nassār objected to canceling the religious identity from official papers.


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