Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
The British government is facing demands for investigation of whether Muslim students in Britain are being militarily trained and armed to fight outside Britain, especially in Chechnya and Kashmir. This demand has led to fears among British Muslims, especially those who belong to the...
Through an interview with Yasser Al-Serri, one the most famous Egyptian extremists, now living in London, the writer exposed the opportunism of the extremists and their mercurial ability at tailoring the Halal and Haram [permitted and forbidden according to Islam] to suit their purposes. While...
A British magistrate Thursday ordered a Saudi Arabian man committed for extradition to the United States to face trial on charges of conspiracy in two U.S. embassy bombings in Africa last year.
A British court on August 16 ordered two suspects to remain in custody to face extradition hearings in connection with last year’s deadly bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Magistrate Ronald Bartle remanded the two men - Ibrahim Hussein Abdel Hadi Eidarous, 42, and Adel Mohammed Al...
The British government has no clear policy against terrorism and terrorists. Sometimes, it appeases these serial murderers and at other times it hunts them down. In most cases, it acts at the behest of the US.
Ibrahim Hussein Abdel-Hadi Eidarous, 42, and Adel Abdel-Meguid Abdel-Bari, 39, were both arrested in London Sunday [July 11, 1999] on US extradition warrants alleging they had conspired with Saudi Arabian dissident Osama Bin Laden to murder US citizens. Bin Laden is the alleged mastermind behind...
The US has officially charged Ayman El-Zawahri, leader of the underground Jihad group, and his aide, Khaled El-Fawwaz, with involvement in the twin bombings of its embassies in Kenya and Tanzania last August. El-Zawahri is believed to reside in Afghanistan while El-Fawwaz is under arrest in...
Exiled Saudi dissident Osama Bin Laden and his followers, blamed by the United States for the 1998 embassy bombings in Africa, may be close to conducting a "terrorist attack," a U.S. intelligence official said Thursday [June 17, 1999]. "We regard him a serious threat, and we have taken a number of...
British police swooped down and arrested seven Islamists, including six Egyptians, in a September 23 dawn raid in central London. The swoop came less than a month after Britain’s House of Lords approved the government’s new anti-terror law.
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