Date of source: Thursday, July 7, 2005
The Orthodox Cathedral in ‘Abbāsīya suffers from a real crisis because of the problems between Pope Shenouda III and his parishioners all over the country…. Many struggles are coming into light recently because of some bishops’ violations of Orthodox teachings….
Date of source: Wednesday, October 18, 2000
The Bishop of Naga Hamadi said that al-Ahali [See RNSAW week 42 article 3] wrongly quoted him as saying that "the National Democratic Party (NDP) is imposing certain persons whom we do not choose." The Bishop said that "this sentence caused misunderstanding with the members of NDP."
Date of source: Tuesday, October 10, 2000
The Bishop of Naga Hamadi and Abu Tisht, the secretary of the Tagammu Party and its candidate in the aforementioned constituency, the Director of Al-Homaiat Hospital and many other important persons agreed that Naga Hamadi is governed by corruption, forgery and intimidation. They confirmed that...
Date of source: Sunday, February 13, 2000
At the "Quddaas Al-Arbaien" held last Thursday in the Archangel Michael Church for the spirits of those who were killed in Al-Kosheh was presided over by Bishop Wissa of Al-Balyana and Dar Al-Salaam, General Bishop Yo’annes, the delegate of His Holiness the Pope, and the secretary of the pope. A...