

List of persons names (and their functions) used in AWR-Articles

(Click on name to display relevant articles)

Name Function
Khālid Ḥijāzī
Khālid Ibn al-Walīd

Companion of Prophet Muḥammad (592-642)

Khālid Ibrāhīm al-Qūṣī
Khālid Maghūb [Khaled Maghoub] (Judge)

Judge in the court of Ismailia ruling in June 2013 about the prison break in the Wadi Natroun on January 29, 2011, through which large numbers of Muslim Brothers were freed

Khālid Maḥmūd Ramaḍān


Khālid Manṣūr
Khālid Mashʿal [Khaled Mashal]

Leader of the Political Wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement Ḥamās; Director of the Ḥamās Office in Damascus, residence in Doha (Qatar)

Khālid Mīrī


Khālid Muḥammad Khālid

Egyptian politician; Islamic thinker; Author

Khālid Muḥammad ʿAlī


Khālid Muḥyī Al-Dīn

Former member of the Egyptian People's Assembly; a secular left-wing Democrat; a founder of the Progressive National Unionist Party

Khālid Mūjāhid (Dr.)
Khālid Muntaṣir (Dr.)

Author; Researcher

Khālid Qandīl Yūnus Faṭūm

leader of a terrorist organization. 

Khālid Saʿīd [Khaled Said] (Dr.)
convicted drug dealer and beaten by police officers to death. The photos of his mutilated body were widely circulated and were one of the reasons for the January 25, 2011, Egyptian revolution
Khālid Shaykh Muḥammad

Kuwaiti prisoner in U.S. Guantamano Bay for acts of terrorism; Member of Al-Qācidah

Khālid Ṣalāḥ


Khālid Yūsuf

Egyptian script writer and film director of a series of films that tackled the issues of authoritarianism, social injustice, poverty, religious intolerance, corruption, restrictions on the freedom of thoughts and opinion, and sexual violence. He is member of the Egyptian parliament since 2015.

Khālid ʿAbd al- ʿAzīz Fahmī (Free Egyptians Party MP)
Khālid ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz (Minister of Youth Egypt)

The Minister of Youth and Sports (Egypt) 

Khālid ʿAlī
Khālid ʿAmrū

The defense lawyer in the case regarding the young Palestinian girl Isrāʾ Gharīb.

Khālid ʿAzab (Prof.)
Khālid ʿUkāsha
Khālid ʿUmrān

Secretary of Fatwa of the Dar al Ifta

Khalīfa bin Zāyid Āl Nahiyān (President - UAE)
Khalīl al-ʿAnānī

Khalīl al-Anānī is a renowned scholar of political Islam and a senior fellow at the Middle East Institute.

Khalil Ibrahim
Khalīl Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Abū Qarīn
Khalīl Rizq (Labor activist)

left-wing labor activist Khalil Rizk Khalil is a prominent labor leader in the “Land Transport” Syndicate, He was arrested by law enforcement forces while he was in a cafe in downtown, Cairo, in 18 November 2019, detained in connection with case No. 1475 of 2019, listing the security of a supreme country.

Khalīl ʿAbd al-Karīm (Shaykh)

Former member of the Muslim Brotherhood; Member of the Islamic left and the Tagammuc Party; Historical researcher; Author

Khālis Jalabī (Dr.)


KhalƯl IbrƗhƯm Muhammad MuftƗh
KhalƯl Muhammad IbrāhƯm Abu Qureen
Khatāb Dinīs

He was a representative of the zionist organizations in 1998 that was running a campaign raising issues about persecution of christians on egypt.

Khayr Rāghab


Khayrī Jānbik

worked as Deputy Director at the Royal Institute for Interfaith Studies in Amman, Jordan and was a private advisor to Prince Hassan bin Talal of Jordan

Khayrī Ramaḍān

Egyptian journalist; Announcer for the channels Orbit andcAssā'

Khayrī ʿAbd al-Dāʾim (Dr.)

Khayrī ‘Abd al-Dā’im, Dr is

head of the Doctors’ Syndicat.
Khedife Ismail
Khedive Ismail
Khīissānīi Skūvarīd

Vice President of the Greek Community in Egypt and Head of the Churches Committee

Khristudūlus [Pope Christodolos of Alexandria] (Egypt)
Khufu (Pharaoh)
Khūja Ismāʿīl (Shaykha)
Khulūd Khamīs‎

khulud khamis is a Palestinian feminist writer of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction, whose work deals with political and social issues such as identity, belonging, racism and discrimination, art as political resistance, and issues affecting women and the LGBTQI community.

Kim-Kwong Chang (Rev. Dr.)
King Ḥamad bin ʿĪsa Āl Khalīfa

King of the Kingdom of Bahrain

Kirill [Cyril] (Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia)
Kīrillus Naẓīm (Fr.)

official of the Diakonia Development Office and pastor of the Virgin Mary Coptic Church in ‘Ayn Shams

Kīrillus [Cyril] (Patriarch of Alexandria)
Kīrillus [Kyrillos] (Bishop of Nag Hammadi)

Bishop of Nag Hammadi and Abū Ṭisht (Since 1977)

Kīrillus [Kyrillos] (Priest in Saraqnah)

Lead orthdox priest in Sarāqnah

Kīrillus [Kyrillos] IV (Patriarch of Alexandria)

Pope of Alexandria and the Patriarch of All Africa on the Holy Apostolic See of Saint Mark the Evangelist of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria (1854-1861)

Kīrillus [Kyrillos] V (Patriarch of Alexandria)

Coptic Orthodox Patriarch of Alexandria (1874-1925)

Kīrillus [Kyrillos] VI (Patriarch of Alexandria)

Pope of Alexandria and the Patriarch of All Africa on the Holy Apostolic See of Saint Mark the Evangelist of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria (1959-1971)

Kīryākūs Mīkhāʾīl [Kyriakos Mikhail]

Humanist involved in Muslim-Christian Dialogue

Klaus Hänsch (Dr.)

President of the European Parliament from 1994 to 1997.


Klaus Hock
Klaus Kinkel

(*1937) German Foreign Minister (1992-1998)

Kofi Anan
Kofi Annan (Mr.)

Seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations (1997-2006)

Konrad Knolle (Pastor)
Krikor Bedros XX Gabroyan ‎
Kristin Bahjāt Yūnān Ghaṭṭās [Kristen Bahjat Yunan Ghattas]

Christian woman from Minya, reported as missing in Sawt al-Ummah, December 30 2006. [Ref. Arab-West Report, Paper 6, p. 17] 

Kristīn Nādir Kāmal [Kristin Nadir Kamal]

allegedly converted to Islam, raised discussion about (forced) conversions and kidnappings [AWR, 2006, week 37, art. 61 and: Arab-West Report, paper 6, p. 12]

Kurt Westergaard

Danish cartoonist; Drew the cartoons that featured the Prophet Muhammad in 2005

Kyrillos William (Coptic Catholic Archbishop)
Kyrillos ʿIffat Nasīm al-Maṣrī (Dr.)
Labīb Ḥalīm Labīb (Mr.)

Counselor; Vice President of the Council of the State; Author

Labīb Mūʿawwad


Labība Aḥmad

Labiba Ahmed was the first head of the Muslim Sisterhood that was  founded in 1933 at the suggestion of Hasan al-Banna (founder of the Muslim Brotherhood)

Laila Soueif [Laylā Suwayf]

ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ’s mother
Lamiāʾ al-Muṭiyyʿī


Lamiāʾ Ḥamadīn


Lamīs al-Ḥadīdī [Lamis al-Hadidi]

Egyptian TV-host

Lamīs Yaḥyā
Lamʿī Yūsuf
Lara Friedman‎
Larry F. Levine (Dr.)

Professor at Stevens Institute of Technology, New York, USA, Orthodox Jew

Lars Mandrup (Rev.)
Laṭīfa Lakhḍar

Tunisian Author and Intellectual

Laṭīfah al- Zayāt

Egyptian female activist and writer

Laura Bush

US First Lady between 2001 and 2009, claimed to free Muslim women from the confines of Islam.

Laura Bush (Former First Lady of the U.S.)
Lawrāns Wajīh Imīl [Lawrence Wajih Imil]

Allegedly escaped her kidnappers that wanted to convert her to Islam by force [October 8, 2006, Nādir Shukrī in Watanī, 
Ref. AWR, 2006, week 41, art. 59]

Laylā al-Mirāyātī (Dr.)

Islamic activist; Only Muslim member of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom

Laylā Farīd


Laylā Murād

Jewish-Egyptian singer and actress (1918-1995)

Laylā Ramaḍāniyya
Laylā Taqlā (Dr.)

Member of the Egyptian National Council for Human Rights, the board of trustees of the bibliotheca Alexandria; Founding President of the Egyptian Federation of women Lawyers; Legal Advisor and Practicing lawyer; Professor of Law and Administration

Laylā ʿAbd al-Majīd (Dr.)

Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication. Cairo University (Since 2007); Author

Lee Hixon
Leen van der Waal (Politician)

former member of the European Parliament for the SGP

Leilani Farha

United Nations special rapporteur on adequate housing

Lena Larsen
