

List of persons names (and their functions) used in AWR-Articles

(Click on name to display relevant articles)

Name Function
Richard Pape (Author)

Richard Pape, author of Boldness Be My Friend (1953). For his obituary see:

Richard Perle (Mr.)
Richard Reid

British citizen; Attempted shoe bomber (21-12-2001)

Rick Anderson (Political Strategist)

Former U.S. AWR editor and translator; Author; Independent Baptist

Rick Joyner (Director of MorningStar Ministries)
Riḍā Hilāl

Egyptian journalist; Former deputy editor of Al-Ahrām newspaper; Political Activist

Riḍā Idawārd [Reda Edward]

co-owner of TV channel al-Hayat

Riḍā Thābit (Rev.)
Riḍā ʿAwād

Author; Journalist

Riḍā ʿUkāsha


Rifāʿa al-Tahtāwī (Shaykh)

Egyptian writer; teacher; translator; Egyptologist and renaissance intellectual

Rifāʿī Aḥmad Ṭaha (Shaykh)

Leading figure in al-Jamācah al-Islāmiyyah; Member of its Shūrá Council; Leader of the military wing


Rifʿat al-Maḥjūb (Dr.)

Former speaker of the Egyptian Parliament; Member of the NDP

Rifʿat al-Saʿīd (Dr.)

President of the National Progressive Unionist Party; Former board member of Al-Ahālī newspaper; Deputy of the Shurá Council; Author

Rifʿat Fawzī Abduh
Rifʿat Fikrī Saʿīd (Rev., Dr.)

Pastor of the Evangelical church in Arḍ Sharīf, Shubrā Former Pastor of the Evangelical Church in Abū Ḥamād al-Sharqia; Author

Rifʿat Sayyid Aḥmad (Dr.)

Director of the Jaffa Center for Islamic Studies; Author

Rifʿat ʿAwaḍallāh‎
Rihāb al-Shādhilī


Riḥāb Muḥammad ʿAlī al-Basiyūnī
Rīhām Sahlī [Riham Sahli]

Egyptian studio host at Al-Mehwar channel’s programme ‘90 minutes’   

Rīhām ʿAbd al-Ghaffūr
Rīhām ʿĀṭif


Rīm Mājid [Reem Maged]

TV-host at the Egyptian channel ON-TV 

Rīm Saʿad (Dr.)

Reem Saaʿd received her D.Phil. in social anthropology from the University of Oxford in 1994; her thesis title was “Peasants’ Perception of recent Egyptian history”. Her research interests include rural Egypt, historical anthropology, issues of public culture and ethnographic film. 

Rītā Ṣawāyyā

 Lebanese Orthodox Christian and represents the Human Rights Movement in Lebanon.


Rita Verdonk (Dutch Politician)

Founder and Leader of Trots op Nl [Proud of the Netherlands] political party (Since 2008); Minister for Integration and Immigration (2003-2007)

Riyāḍ Jarjūr (Rev., Dr.)

Secretary-General of the Council of Churches of the Middle East; Author

Riyāḍ ʿAbd al-Sattār (MP)
Rob Bental

AWR intern

Robert A. Forster
Robert al-Faris
Robert Debase

vice-president of the Lebanese chamber of commerce (at least at the time of 1996)

Robert Dickson Crane (Dr.)

Dr. - 1929-2021, advisor to U.S President Richard Nixon in 1969-1974, who obtained his Ph.D. in international law was asked by President Nixon to provide detailed reports on Islam. He became strongly impacted by the deep meaning of the term JUSTICE in the Holy Qur’an, converted to Islam in 1980, and adopted the name, Farooq Abdul Haq.

Robert Fisk

British journalist; Middle East correspondent for The Independent newspaper

Robert Gabriel Mugabe (President of Zimbabwe)

The current President of Zimbabwe, serving since 22 December 1987 and the country's first executive head of state. As of August 2016, he was the world's oldest and one of the longest serving Head of State

Robert H. Schuller (Rev.)

September 16,1926-April 2nd, 2015. American Christian pastor, author, and televangelist. Best known for his weekly Hour of Power evangelical program and as founder of the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California.

Robert Mueller (FBI Director)
Robert Putnam
Robert Regan

American priest who was in Egypt

Robert S. Beecroft (U.S. Diplomat)
Robert S. Leiken
Robert Spencer
Roberta Ahmanson
Robin Cook (British Politician)

Late British Labour party politician; Foreign Secretary (1997-2001); Leader of the House of Commons (2001-2003); Member of Parliament for Livingston (1983-2005)

Robīr al-Fāris

Egyptian Christian Journalist for Waṭanī newspapers; Author

Roel Meijer
Roeland Böcker

Roeland Böcker was working for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs between 1994 and 1996. 

Roger Fisher
Roger Garaudy [Rajāʾ Gharūdī] (Philosopher)

French philosopher; Prominent communist author who converted to Islam; Islamic thinker; Author; anti-Zionist; denies the Holocaust

Roland Krüger

German living in Cairo, wife a teacher at German school DEO (1997)

Rolf Ekéus (Swedish Diplomat)

Carl Rolf Ekéus (* 7 July 1935 ) is a Swedish diplomat who worked on various  disarmament committees and commissions. He was the director of the United Nations Special Commission on Iraq (1991-1997)

Romana Kanzian
Romano Prodi
Romeo Peretola (Italian Merchand and Founder of the Egyptian Seventh-Day Adventist Church)
Ron Howard (Director)

Former Hollywood actor, film director

Ronald Kon, Dr
Ronald Meinardus [Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Liberty 2006-2014]
Ronald Reagan
Ronald W. Reagan (U.S. President)

President of the USA (1981-1989); Governor of California (1967-1975)

Ronnie (b.1948)
Roreig (Anglican Bishop of al-Kharṭūm)

Anglican Bishop of al-Kharṭūm, Sudan.

Rosa Berhane

Eritrean deportee from Ethiopia (1999), born 1981 or 1982

Rosa-Lena Keim
Rose Al-Yusuf”
Rose al-Yūsuf
Rouba El-Helou [Rubā al-Ḥilw]

University of Erfurt, Germany

Rowan Williams (Archbishop of Canterbury, Rev., Dr.)

Archbishop of Canterbury (Since 2003)

Rūdaynā Riḍā [Rodyna Reda]
Rudolph Peters (Prof., Dr.)

Prof. in Amsterdam, author of the book "Jihad in Classical and Modern Islam: A Reader" (1996)

Rūdulf Marqus Yannī [Rudolph Marqus Yanney] (Dr.)

President of the International Association for Coptic Studies

Rūfāʾīl (Raphael) (Bishop)

former Secretary of the Coptic Orthodox Holy Synod. Now, he is the General Bishop ofthe Cairo Center Churches. 

Rūfāʾīl Bīdāwīd [Raphael Bidawid] (Patriarch of the Chaldean Catholic Church)

Late Patriarch of Babylon of the Chaldean Catholic Church (1989-2003)

Rūfāʾīl Būlus‎ (Dr.)
Rūfāʾīl Mīkhāʾīl [Rafael Michael] (Father)

Priest of the Holy Virgin church in Beni Walmis (Egypt)

Rūfāʾīl Sāmī (Father in Tamiyah) (Fayyoum)

Coptic Orthodox archpriest

Rūfāʾīl Tharwat

Coptic Orthodox pries, took part in the round table discussion initiated by AWR  about Artikle 2 of the constitution (see AWR Paper Nr. 40)

Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini (Ayatollah)

Supreme Leader of Iran (1979-1989); Leader of Islamic Movement (1963-1979)

Rūīs Mikhā’īl (Pastor)
Rūlā Sulaymān (Rev.)‎

first female priest in the Arab world (Lebanon)

Rūmānā Muṣṭafā Mūsā [Romana M. Moussa]

Intern at CAWU 10 April - 15 August 2016.

Rūmānī Buqṭur

Inhabitant of the village of al-Kushḥ / Dār al-Salām / Sohag; Alledgely tortured by police in 1998

Rūmānī Faraj Allāh Rizq (Sr., Father)

Senior Father Rumani Faraj Allah Rizq responsible for Fabrikit and  Beba

Rūmānī Mīshīl

Lawyer; Editor-in-chief of al-Mashāhīr magazine

Rūqaīya al-Ḥāfī

A Tunisian humanitarian activist, and she's running for presidency 2019. Rūqaīya left Islam to become a Christian, she became a representative of the Reformed Churches in Tunisia in her dealings with the government.

Rushdī Abū al-Ḥassan


Rushdī Saʿīd (Dr.)

Prominent Geologist; Chairman of Institute of Mining and Geological Research (1986-1977)

Rustam Minnikhanov

President of the Republic of Tatarstan (Russian Federation)

Rustīna Bahīj al-ʿīd

7 year old murdered in Kushh in Sohag

Ruth Wodak (Prof.)

Professor for Discourse Studies at the University of Lancaster

Ruways Murqus

official spokesman of the Church in Alexandria and General Deputy of the Coptic Orthodox Cathedral. The first entry has three entries and the second one 1.

Ruways Rizq

Ruways Rizq, Deputy Metropolitan

Ruways ʿAzīz Khalīl (Yūssuf ʿAzīz Khalīl)

Priest stripped of his rank because of sexual allegations.

Ruʾūf Abū Jābir (Dr.)


Dutch consul-general in Amman-Jordan,later Minister of Foreign Affairs of Jordan


Ruʾūf Farīd
Ruʾūf Ghabbūr [Raouf Ghabbour] (CEO)

Coptic Egyptian Businessman known for monopolizing the car and truck industry in Egypt.

Ruʾūf Mināwī [Rauf Minawi] (General)

General Mināwī, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Interior 

Ruʾūf Tawfīq

Editor in chief of Sabāḥ al-Khayr weekly magazine

RƗ'id al-SharqƗwƯ
Sa'd al-Ḥusaynī [Member of Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party (JFP)] (Egypt)
