Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
Islamist lawyers broke into two fronts; one supporting Montasser Al-Zayyat and announced him to be its secretary general. The other front removed him from his position. Al-Zayyat was accused by some members of the Islamist Lawyers’ general assembly of defaming the Islamist Lawyers and seeking...
A heated rivalry over the position of the general secretary of the Islamic Lawyers Association will be witnessed. The deputy who was the founder of Al-Shari’a party is the strongest rival to occupy this position.
The Islamic Lawyers Association decided to choose Montasser Al-Zayyat as its general secretary. It also held a meeting at which it was decided not to suspend the activities of the Association any longer and to delay electing its board members.
Disagreements within the Islamist Lawyers’ Front led to the resignation of Montasser Al-Zayyat, its secretary general. Al-Zayyat said that he wrote the resignation last April, but he delayed submitting it until after the date of the elections of the Bar Association was set, fearing that it might be...
Bars and shops selling alcohol, video tape rental shops and huge street billboards advertising steamy pictures of Egypt’s top actresses are among the targets of the country’s largest militant organization, Al-Gama’a Al-Islamiyya.
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