Displaying 1 - 10 of 24.
Scholars of Islamic sharī'ah and the Azhar agreed that Shaykh Mahmūd 'Āmir, the chairman of the Ansār al-Sunnah al-Muhammadīyah (Supporters of the Prophet's Sunnah) Association in Damanhūr, was not right in his fatwa prohibiting voting in the elections for Muslim candidates who do not observe daily...
Mahmūd ‘Āmir denounces the Shī‘ah and the Muslim brotherhood, claiming that they violate the Islamic Sharī‘ah and the fundamentals of Islām.
The article is about the crisis that the Muslim Brotherhood group faces as some of its affiliated students present a military arts show in the campus of the Azhar University.
In this article, the author warns Egyptian society against the dangers of the expansion of the Shī‘ah influence as it increases fitnah and doctrinal disagreements in society allowing space for the growth of an extremist trend in its thoughts and beliefs; whereas the Sunnī parties do not have...
The transcript of an interview conducted by Cornelis Hulsman with Kamāl Zākhir Mūsá, in which Mūsá provides a background of his work and publications. Mūsá further describes his own experiences and confrontations with the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt.
After Mahmūd ‘Āmir’s attacks on the Shī‘ah, Dr. Ahmad Rāsim al- Nafīs responds, rejecting ‘Āmir’s attacks and suppositions. [AWR reviewer: Dr. Rāsim is a former Muslim Brotherhood member who adopted Shī‘ah beliefs in the mid eighties.]
‘Amir continues his criticism of the Twelver Shī‘ah and clarify that his attitude is merely religious and has nothing to do with political affairs of the Shī‘ah countries. He asks Sunnī scholars to give precise answers for certain questions about Shī‘ah doctrine.
The following article addresses Mahmūd ‘Āmir’s attack against the Shī‘ah and the political and religious danger they bring to Egypt and the Islamic world, by comparing them to the Muslim Brotherhood. ‘Āmir blames the Azhar leadership and the National Democeratic Party for their support of...
The author explains why he does not think that the Shī‘ah madhab [Editor: school of thought or religious jurisprudence] deserves an equal place with the Sunnī madhab.
The author criticizes statements made by Shaykh Yūsuf al-Qaradāwī in which the Muslim cleric tries to acquit the Muslim Brotherhood of crimes attributed to them by saying that the only act of violence the group was involved in was the assassination of judge al-Khāzindār.


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