Displaying 221 - 230 of 449.
In an interview with Muhammad Shibl [a Muslim thinker], the author discusses the issue of a unified call for prayer in Cairo.
A number of Muslim issues that are cause debate amongst scholars are raised in this issue such as the discussion over unifying the call to prayer and the proposal of a new draft law to regulate who is able to issue fatwás.
Arab-West Report Editor in-Chief, Cornelis Hulsman, asked Archbishop Fitzgerald, the Catholic nuntius in Egypt, about the statements of Pope Benedict on Islām. Archbishop Fitzgerald speaks Arabic, knows the Islamic world well and plays Qur’ān important role in Muslim-Christian dialogue. The...
Articles about the self-appointed Archbishop Maximus. An iftar held by Dr. Hamdi Zaqzouq inviting H.H. Pope Shenouda and five other bishops. Continuing discussions about the request for NGO status for CAWU.
The author tackles the reasons behind the deteriorating conditions of Muslims worldwide, asserting that the main reason is their failure to follow up modern science and civilization.
The review takes up varied opinion articles in the Egyptian and Arab press about the statements of Pope Benedict XVI of the Roman Catholic Church in which he purportedly attacked Islam and the Prophet Muhammad in a lecture he gave in a German university.
The new Vatican ambassador to Egypt, Msgr. Michael Louis Fitzgerald, praised Egyptian efforts in promoting inter-faith dialogue and world peace.
A collection of quotes from journalists and leading political, academic and religious figures on subjects to do with religious identity, Muslim and Christian relations, Islam in society and Islamic preaching.
The author criticizes the Minister of Endowment’s decisions to nationalize the call to prayer, optional prayers during Ramadān and religious discourse.
Amidst heated debate over the project of the Ministry of Awqāf [Endowments] to unify the azān [call to prayer] in Greater Cairo mosques, Rose al-Yousuf claims that it has managed to obtain a copy of a letter sent by the Saqr Factory for Developed Industries to the under-secretary of the...


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