Displaying 411 - 420 of 449.
Prime Minister Dr. Atef Ebeid visited Pope Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the missionary province of St. Mark yesterday in the Abbassiyya Cathedral to extend Christmas greetings to him. Dr. Sayyed Tantawi the Sheikh Al-Azhar and other religious and government dignitaries also...
A minority of the emigrant Copts claims that the Coptic endowments in Egypt have been confiscated and no attempts have been made to solve this problem. They pay millions in publishing advertisements in the American newspapers to circulate the idea that Copts in Egypt are suffering some problems,...
Pope Shenouda III invited several government and Muslim dignitaries amongst others to the National Unity Breakfast hosted by himself at the Coptic Orthodox Cathedral this week. One of the guests, Dr. Sayyed Tantawi, Sheikh of Al-Azhar congratulated Muslims and Christians on the incidence of having...
The author agrees with the principles for dialogue of Dr. Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq, Minister of Awqaf, and claims the Egyptian environment is conducive for such dialogue and that there is a real equality between the parties in the dialogue.
The detailed [US] report on Egypt states that the Egyptian constitution ensures the freedom of belief and the right to exercise the religious rituals within certain limitations portrayed by the state.
"The issue of dialog has become recently an important one on all levels. We live in a time where all interests are intertwined and have become complicated as never before. Solving them by dialog has become very important" writes Egypt’s Minister of Awqaf or Religious Endowments.
Pope Shenouda said that the Christians would not accept any foreign interference in order to solve their problems. Dr. Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq, the Minister of Al-Awqaf, believed that most of the things that are published abroad about Muslims and Christians were not correct. President Mubarak said...
Good news for the Orthodox Church should also be good news for the nation’s leading Islamic institution. After Pope Shenouda announced at a press conference on 23 June that the government had handed over 780 feddans of Coptic religious-endowment (awqaf) land, Al-Azhar asked the government to...
Tomorrow Abu Bakr Al-Sedik Camp will start. The Camp is held under the supervision of Dr. Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq, the minister of Al-Awqaf. The aim of this youth gathering is to spread the correct Islamic call during the summer vacation.
Delegations from 75 Islamic countries and six international Islamic countries and six international Islamic organizations participating in the 11th Cairo International Islamic Conference will tomorrow declare the recommendations of their conference.


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