Displaying 11 - 13 of 13.
The author says that al-Maydān, an independent newspaper, is refuting allegations propagated by a Coptic web site, Coptichistory.org, owned by ‘Izzat Andarāwus, about the abduction of Coptic girls to force them to convert to Islam. The paper says that it interviewed a girl, Wafā’ Rā’fat ‘Adlī, who...
In an interview, Shaykh Hasan al-Shinnāwī, the grand chief of the Egyptian Sufis elaborates on the number of Sufis in Egypt and their relation to the government and the American embassy, after the U.S. ambassador attended the al-Sayyid al-Badawī moulid.
The Bahā’ī faith saw the light of day in Egypt one hundred years ago. With more than 10,000 followers, Bahā’īs are demanding more rights and a place in the Egyptian political domain.


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