Displaying 191 - 200 of 484.
Coptic Orthodox churches throughout Egypt held an “exceptional mass” on Tuesday in order to prevent Coptic participation in the “Day of Wrath” protests, according to al-Ahrār.   The paper says that after praying for Egypt, priests asked attendees not to demonstrate, but instead to go home.   “The...
  On Tuesday, an off-duty Egyptian police officer reportedly opened fire on a train in the southern province of Minya, killing one Christian and injuring 5 others. Today's Egyptian newspapers mostly emphasized that the assailant was allegedly mentally unstable and that his motives were not...
Bishop Marqus of Shubrā al-Khaymah and al-Qanātir recently held a conference entitled, "Adaptation of Technology and Media in Church Education." Bishop Marqus, who heads the Media Technology and Telecommunication Committee, says that the church is preparing a special, confidential network on the...
A member of the leadership of the U.S. Copts Association has revealed that a group of expatriate Coptic businessmen have agreed to establish a bank in Sweden with a capital of 100 million Euros. Its activities will include funding anti-Egyptian demonstrations, marches, and other activities on the...
Public Attorney ‘Abd al-Majīd Mahmūd has decided to free 70 of those accused of causing the disturbances that occurred in the ‘Umrāniyyah district of Giza last month, saying he did so "out of concern for their educational future" and because some are elderly.  A church source has said that Pope...
The al-Wafd Party candidate in Qalyubia said that it is essential for a parliamentary representative to pressure the government into fulfilling his district’s needs. Muná Makram ‘Ubayd also said that Qalyubia is a perfect example of Egyptian national unity. Bishop Marqus praised Qalyubia governor ‘...
The Egypt Lovers and Peace foundation’s General Secretary, Hānī ‘Azīz, told Al-Dustūr that Pope Shenouda III will be arriving in Cairo on Monday morning. He said that the reason the pope used businessman Najīb Sawīrus’ private jet is that there were no available seats on commercial flights. Bishop...
Hundreds of Copts said goodbye to Pope Shenouda III yesterday before going on a medical trip to the United States. Dr. Tharwat Basīlī said that the Pope will be staying at a Cleveland hospital in Ohio for a week and that he might take the chance to meet Copts in the United States and help deal with...
The Holy Synod makes a number of new decisions regarding the Christian Church in Egypt. Following, Munīr denounces al-Ahlī fans who portray the cross on anti-Zamalek posters.
This is a series of various recent articles with Copts making the headlines.


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