Displaying 11 - 14 of 14.
The vast majority [of Muslims] believes that it is not Al-Qa’ida that carried out the bombings of September 11. Many believe that the Zionist movement, the American intelligence or neo-conservatives may be behind these attacks. This way of apprehending events indicates that there is a collective...
In a famous Arab street in London, there were many slogans on the chart about the catastrophe of “The Islamic Caliphate” and how it is the only way out for Muslims. Reading the headlines of these publications, I realized that it is one of London’s kiosks for the Hizb Al-Tahrir [Liberation Party]....
The Jordanian Abu Mus‘ab al-Zarqāwī justified that innocent victims are killed by booby traps and suicide bombers operations, by appealing to an old fatwa , which has become widely used once again.
Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the European Union (EU) studied a paper discussing ways to enter into dialogue with Islamist opposition groups in the Middle East region that were described as “moderate."


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