Displaying 11 - 20 of 47.
A list of articles published in Arabic press available in Egypt on “the passion of the Christ”.
Akher Saa, al- Arabi and al-Ahali approached Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Christian clergymen, from Egypt and Palestine, and asked them to comment on the crisis of the Church of the Nativity. They all criticized Sharon?s practices against the birthplace of Jesus Christ and against the...
Both Pope Shenouda and the Grand Imām declared their rejection of any foreign intervention in the internal affairs of Egypt. The former said that he met the American committee to defend Egypt and to explain to its members that what the foreign press publishes and what the internet broadcasts...
Jehovah’s Witnesses could break through the Egyptian haphazard societies to spread their preaching. The review provides the historical background of the group and the opinions of some Coptic figures.
A few days ago, Father Mattā al-Miskīn [Matthew the poor] passed away at the age of 87, leaving behind a legacy of books on monastic life. In his book, al-Kanīsa wa al-Dawla [The church and the state], Father al -Miskīn warned against sowing sedition between Muslims and Christians in Egypt,...
The Qasr al-Doubāra Evangelical Church Sunday celebrated the International Day of Prayer with the participation of the Prayer League and a large number of prominent Christian figures.
Apart from the four canonical gospels acknowledged by the church, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, there are about 15 apocryphal gospels, including the controversial Gospel of Judas, which are taught in theological colleges and institutes, but are not widely-known among the general public.
The article presents a bold book by an Egyptian pastor concerning the subject of sex in marriage.
Dr. Selim Naguib and Pastor McNeely have been writing inflammatory letters falsely claiming that Muslims do kidnap Christian girls in Egypt. There is no reason to doubt their sincerity but they have followed their sentiments without checking facts. The consequences of such false claims are severe...
Muslim and Christian men of religion argue against cloning human beings


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