Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
Leaders of Coptic expatriate organizations are trade accusations and conflict in opinions in a conference in Bonn.
Robeir al-Faris provides a round up of the Cairo press this month. He covers the case of the murder trial of Marwa al-Shirbīni which is taking place in Germany, looking in particular at an article written by Ibrāhīm Isá in al-Dustūr that reflects on the Egyptian reaction to the case. Al-Faris also...
Members of Michael Munīr’s fan group on facebook call on U.S. Copts to work for giving Bahā’īs, Shī‘ah, and converts to Christianity more freedom of creed in Egypt.
The authors consider incidents of sectarian strife, and who is really at fault for the crises. They further question to what extent security forces try to appease the situation, as well as the role that the media and the public play in worsening the conflict.
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