Displaying 31 - 40 of 41.
Two opinion articles written by Midhat Qīlādah, executive director of the European Coptic Union and ‘Isām 'Abd Āllah 'Iskandar, Professor of Philosophy in Ain Shams University and a member of 25th revolution secretariat. Qīlādah comments on an article written by author ‘Alā’ ‘Uraybī who wrote that...
This article is a tribute to the life of Adly Abadir, a prominent Copt in Egypt, who died in 2010. Adly Abadir was born in 1920 to a prominent family in Upper Egypt. He studied in Cairo and became a successful businessman both in Egypt and abroad. He was also one of the founding members of Watani....
The establishment of the European Union of Coptic Organizations for Human Rights held a conference on November 8, 2008 in Paris to focus on Copts issues and problems in Egypt and put it in the international limelight. The following lines introduce the conference and shed light on the different...
Discussing the future of the Muslim Brotherhood group is a very thorny issue. The tricks they played during the presidential elections on many political parties make it clear that they should never be trusted.
Midhat Qilādā laments the accusations of being a traitor that have been filed against him. He lists 16 reasons why he is seen as a Coptic traitor.
The author argues that Copts’ blood and honor are targeted by the state, as represented by the security authorities and extremists.
Discussion at the AUC about news ethics and objectivity, moderated by Drs. Hulsman. The importance of translation for intercultural understanding. Critique on an article that claims Copts are raped, murdered and persecuted because of their religion.
Several key Brotherhood members have exerted painstaking efforts trying to initiate dialogue, particularly in Coptic circles and industry and decision-making spheres in the West, but to no avail. Brotherhood murshid [guide] Muhammad Mahdī ‘Ākif denied statements about his contacts and dialogue with...
The Copts in Egypt are used by the authorities as a scapegoat to keep the government in office.
A three-day conference was held in the Swiss city of Zurich under the title of “Egyptian Copts … a Minority under Siege.” The conference, in which some suspicious agencies participated, started on Thursday and concluded on Saturday. A look at the titles of the papers discussed during the conference...


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