Displaying 1 - 10 of 10.
The article deals with the operations of agricultural enterprises run by monasteries throughout Egypt. The focus falls on the recent growth of such enterprises and the high quality and low cost of the farm goods that come from them.
The writer presents famous examples of successful Egyptian women who changed society.
Ahmad Shawqī reviews the diary of British spy “Hempher”, published in the book entitled ‘Confessions of a British spy,’ and his influence on the development of Wahhābism.
Islamic movements, along with the climate of political and social tension, create extremism, violence and supporters of the Salafiya Jihadīya trends such as the Mansura, Tawhīd and Jihad groups.
Tareq Heggi presents a historical background of different Islamic movements, schools, and trends. Through the article, the writer is trying to analyze the reasons behind the two main approaches towards Islam: the peaceful approach and the extremist approach.
The author gives a historical background on Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Abdel-Wahab and how Wahabism was established in the Arabian Peninsula. He believes Wahabism is an Islamic reformation movement.
In an unaired interview via Dream channel, the new general guide of the Muslim Brotherhood admits receiving funds from Saudi Arabia and attempting to assassinate president Abdel-Nasser. He speaks about the Brotherhood relation with the government, Pope Shenouda´s statement about granting Copts a...
Radical Islamists have not only settled for censorship in their fight against intellectuals, but have issued fatwas, sentencing to death thinkers with whom they disagree. Intellectuals across the Muslim world have been attacked or assassinated in accordance with these fatwas.
The late Sheikh Kishk attacked Umm Kalthoum because in one of her songs she described her beloved as being more beautiful than an angel. Also Abd El-Wahab was accused of being an apostate because of the word of his songs.
Suddenly, Sayyed Qutb placed himself very close to the new power, [the officers of] the July Revolution, and forgot or ignored his fierce defense of the workers and the poor which continued from 1949 till 1951. It is astonishing that Sayyed Qutb forgot about his call for social justice, yet, it is...
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