Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
Over the past two days, participants gathered at the Egypt Media Forum to discuss the state of journalism in Egypt and the factors, affecting its quality and production.  Under the title of “Quality Journalism: Content, Practices and Business Models,” the forum, as organized by the DEDI Media Club...
[First published on May 17, 2014 on the website of the Institute of Middle East Studies (IMES) in Lebanon. Republished with the permission of the author and IMES in Arab-West Report]
Members of the People’s Assembly’s Committee for Religious Affairs reject the project to unify the call to prayer and call to allocate its funds to building houses for the poor and aid for street children.
In his latest book, “No Silence from Now On,” Paul Findley discusses the relationshipbetween Americans and Islam and the level of [American] understanding of [Islam]. He examines the false image young Americans have of Islam and how they keep this false image all their lives. No one tried to...
Writer Muhammad Abu al-Ghār has authored a book about Egyptian Jews, detecting their history from their very beginnings until their departure from Egypt. The book puts the number of Jews who lived in Egypt for several centuries at nearly 10,000 and most of them have lived in the Hāra al-Yahoud [...
Dr. Ahmed Bassam Sa’I, a Syrian scholar and the head of Oxford Academy for Higher Education applied a new approach in interpreting the Holy Qur’an that reveals its miraculous nature. Asharq Al-Awsat met with Dr. Sa’i during his visit to Cairo. AWR presents some of the questions Asharq Al-Awsat...
The ongoing process of obtaining NGO status. Dr. Meinardus visits Cairo and recommends writing a book for the understanding of contemporary concepts of martyrdom and persecution in the Coptic Orthodox Church. Dutch businessman Frans Derksen of Fayoum Oases development consulted AWR for advice when...
The Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU) aims at setting up a web based Electronic Documentation Center (EDC) for contemporary information covering Arab-West and Muslim-Christian relations with academic standards which can be used for specialized research on the themes covered in Arab-West...
In his book Shāhid ‘Ala Waqf al-‘Unf: Tahawwulāt al-Jamā‘a al-Islāmīya fī Misr [A witness to halting violence: shifts of al- Jamā‘a Islāmīya in Egypt], writer ‘Abd al-Latīf al-Manāwī detects the inspiration of al-Jamā‘a al-Islāmīya.
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