Displaying 31 - 40 of 42.
The author argues that men of religion, lawyers, and less-educated people have become Egyptian society’s decision-makers and its new intellectual elite. They are an influential force that shapes the mind of the average citizen on the issues of conversion and Muslim-Christian relations.
Statements by Dutch Bishop Tiny Muskens on a Dutch TV program on the use of the name Allah and God by Muslims and Christians. Sāmih Fawzī believes there is a need to enact a law that regulates the issue of conversion.
The press review deals with the charges directed against the Middle East Christians Association.
The press continues its investigations into the case of Muḥammad Aḥmad Ḥijāzī, an Egyptian citizen who has converted to Christianity. He has filed the first ever lawsuit to formally prove that he has become a Christian by changing his ID and other official papers. A broad range of opinions and...
Muḥammad Aḥmad Ḥijāzī, an Egyptian citizen who converted to Christianity has filed a case to officially prove his Christian status under Egyptian law. In the first case of its kind in Egypt, Ḥijāzī is attempting to formally change his identity card and other official papers.
Church leaders appealed to the state to have mercy on Muslims who converted to Christianity and requested that they be allowed the freedom of thought and belief as provided in the Constitution.
The following article presents the response of Dr. Mahmoud Zakzouk, Egyptian minister of endowments, to an article published in the German publication Neue Osnabruecker Zeitung which proclaimed his support of the death penalty for apostates.
The following presents a text originally printed in German, which attributes statements calling for apostates from Islam to be beheaded to Dr. Hamdi Zakzouk.
Arab-West Report responds to media claims that Dr. Hamdi Zakzouk called for the death penalty for apostates from Islam.
Ayman ʿĀshūr concluded that everyone must respond strongly to attempts to manipulate religion in order to protect Islam and Christianity. al-Ahrām al-‘Arabī wrote about “Who is responsible for the escalation of the Copts’ crisis?” Discussions about the succession of Pope Shenouda continue.


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