Displaying 61 - 70 of 99.
My fifteen years living in Egypt has given me a lot of connections, including Egyptian diplomats, who are now providing me with stories about current developments in Egypt. It is very common among diplomats that they are ready to give visitors an off the record insight in what is happening in their...
According to the Pew Research Center, US media attention for the Egyptian protests has exceeded every foreign policy story over the last four years, commanding 56% of all news coverage. While initially surprising, upon reflection this story hits at the conjunction of many popular flashpoints:...
According to the Pew Research Center, US media attention for the Egyptian protests has exceeded every foreign policy story over the last four years, commanding 56% of all news coverage.
Demonstrators at Tahrir Square were not satisfied with President Ḥusnī Mubārak’s dismissal of the government of Dr. Aḥmad Naẓīf , in fact the demonstrations intensified, and tension beset Egyptian society, particularly after many convicts escaped from prisons in various governorates, and much...
  Jayson Casper previews the "Day of Wrath," a protest by Egyptian opposition parties that corresponds with Egypt's Police Day holiday...      
  Muhammad 'Abd al-Nūr criticizes Muhammad al-Barād'ī's organization and the Muslim Brotherhood group.   He believes that its normal for illegal groups to have to substitute for their loss in the elections; MB and al-Barād'ī coordinated the call for civil disobedience.      
AWR's Diana Māhir Ghālī recaps the opinion pieces from Wednesday's Egyptian newspapers dealing with the New Year's terrorist attack on an Alexandria church...  
The ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) has accused the former chief of the UN nuclear watchdog, Muḥammad al-Barād‘ī, of exploiting the Alexandria church bombing to achieve political gains. Al-Barād‘ī is not only being criticized for politicizing the blast, but also for criticizing the...
The Coptic Orthodox Church has begun sending invitations for its celebration of Christmas. Invitations were sent to Jamāl Mubārak, Head of the National Democratic Party's Policies Committee; Ahmad Fathī Surūr, Speaker of the People’s Assembly; and Safwat al-Sharīf, the Chief of the Shūrá Council....


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