Displaying 11 - 14 of 14.
Zakariya Moussaoui until now is the only one facing formal charges in connection with the events of September 11. He refused to speak before the judge. The judge considered his silence a denial of the charges. So, she ordered the initiation of the trial in front of a jury the following 14 October...
An investigation into an article published by CNN claiming that the father of September 11, 2001 bomber Muhammad ‘Atā praised terrorist attacks.
Comments from Arab media about the Danish cartoons and responses of a Danish journalist. Comment on Influential publications in the West that have frequently presented much comment and analysis positing a lack of protection of freedom of belief in Egypt.
The British authorities discovered that a security company called Sakina was recruiting British Muslim youth and sending them to Chechnya and Afghanistan to participate in Jihad against the Christian West. Therefore they closed the company and arrested its members. The members of Sakina are...


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