Displaying 141 - 150 of 156.
Headline: Al-Bashīr Promises an Islamic Constitution if South Secedes; Tells Critics of the Flogging of a Woman: “Refer to Islam” Source: Al-Misrī al-Yawm Pages: 3 Author: Khalīfah Jāb Allāh, Jum‘ah Hamd Allāh, wire services Keywords: Islam, Sharī‘ah ---------------------------------- Headline...
According to sources, the Muslim Brotherhood's resumption of support for Muhammad al-Barād‘ī is a reaction to the failure of the group's deal with the president's National Democratic Party over the recent parliamentary elections. Before the elections, television channel al-Jazeera asked Dr....
Al-Sayyid al-Badawī, head of the Wafd Party, visited the Muslim Brotherhood in a controversial step. Both parties agreed on the necessity of uniting the opposition efforts, stated Muhammad 'Abd al-Quddūs, a member of the Journalist Synidcates board. Al-Badawī stressed that the Brotherhood should...
Muslim Brotherhood leader Muhammad Badī‘ told Newsweek that the group will not be running for the upcoming presidential elections. Badī‘ said that the group only participated in the parliamentary elections for monitoring purposes and that any criticism of electoral infringements will positively...
Muslim Brotherhood leader Dr. Muhammad Badi‘, called for the interrogation of Bishop Bīshūy by the church for making offensive and “irresponsible” statements about the Qur'ān that could cause fitnah atā’ifīyah. He also called upon the government to use all of its constitutional power to defend...
The Muslim Brotherhood has elected 180 of its members to run for parliament. Dr. Muhammad Badī‘ announced in a press conference that the group decided to run for parliament following a 98% approval rate from its councils on regular seats and 96% on the women’s quota. He added that the upcoming...
Al-Shurūq Al-Jadīd interviews Shaykh Yūsuf al-Qaradāwī and asks him about the issues of the Muslim Brotherhood, Gaza and the Egyptian ruling system.
The phenomenon of Islamic schools is not new; the new thing is that these schools do not accept employing Christian teachers or enlisting Christian students. Last week an advertisement appeared in the last page of al-Ahram about a school called ?Al-Bashayir al-Islāmīyah.” The advertisement called...
Muhammad Habīb, the Muslim Brotherhood’s deputy murshid [guide], who had previously been reported as saying that Ayman Nour, the leader and presidential candidate of the Ghad Party, was “the closest figure to the Brotherhood”, claims that his words were twisted. He also referred to ‘secret...
Despite the prohibition of around 100 key members of the Muslim Brotherhood from participating in the parliamentary elections, the organization still hopes to present 200 candidates, including 10 women.


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