Displaying 91 - 100 of 156.
Al-Jamā’ah al-Islāmīyah (Islamic Group) in the Upper Egyptian governorate of al-Minya denied that its members threatened Copts they would assault them and burn their houses if they voted for presidential candidate Ahmad Shafīq. [Mīnā Sāmī, al-Akhbār, June 18, p. 16] Read original text in Arabic
Shaykh Yāsir Burhāmī, the deputy leader of the al-Da’wah al-Salafīyah group, said the appointment of a Copt as vice president runs counter to the sharī’ah because a vice president could represent the head of state in many of his powers, adding the president’s faith must be compatible with the state...
Today, March 27, 2012, the Supreme State Security Prosecution will hear the statements of Dr. Najīb Jubrā’īl, Head of the Egyptian Union for Human Rights, against Wajdī Ghunaym, who is facing charges of slandering Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III after his death in statements recorded in his...
The U.S. State Department’s International Religious Freedoms report grilled the ruling authorities in Egypt, which, it said, caused religious freedom violations, adding Egypt, the heart of the Arab Spring, has seen hope turning into panic after human rights deteriorations under the Supreme Council...
Egyptians across the country, both Muslim and Christian, are reacting with sadness to the death of Coptic Orthodox Patriarch Shenouda III, who passed away on Saturday at the age of 88 following a long battle with illness, according to state television and cathedral sources. - Ahmed al-Tayeb, the...
Possible presidential candidate Muhammad Salīm al-‘Awwā said if he ever became president of the republic he will apply the Islamic sharī’ah on everyone, adding he will never allow a religion in Egypt other than the three divine ones – Islam, Christianity and Judaism. [Sarhān Sinnārah, Umnīyah Karīm...
In recent weeks the Muslim Brotherhood has been engaged in public squabbles with the military council over formation of the government. According to most interpretations of the constitutional declaration which guides the transition in Egypt, the presidency – here the military council – has the...
A state of disgruntlement was sparked among a number of Coptic Orthodox bishops who were absent from last week’s meeting at the Saint Mark Cathedral to discuss names of possible presidential hopefuls and others to represent the church in the constitutional assembly, according to a source inside the...
The Coptic Orthodox Church would choose Coptic men of law to participate in the constituent assembly that would write a new constitution for Egypt but would exclude the clergy, a source at the papal office said on condition of anonymity. ['Abd al-Wahāb Sha'bān, al-Wafd, March 5, p. 3] Read text in...
The Azhar’s Academy of Islamic Research approved that a Christian family may have custody of and bring up Christian orphans in Egypt. [Michael ‘Ādil, Rose al-Yūsuf newspaper, March 1, p, 3] Read text in Arabic


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