Displaying 101 - 110 of 124.
The outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group has presented three candidates for the elections in Assiut, including Muhammad Hāmid Sharīf, a physician, in Assiut City constituency, and Muhammad ‘Abd al-Rāziq, also a physician, at the Manfalout constituency.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s rapprochement with the political parties was said by the Brotherhood to have been a discussion to bring views on domestic policies closer, while reality suggests that the Brotherhood were just looking for a springboard to political power.
Over 200 Muslim Brotherhood candidates will run for parliament in several Egyptian governorates, said Muslim Brotherhood’s Deputy Supreme Guide, Dr. Muhammad Habīb.
Dr. Muhammad Habib, the first deputy of the Brotherhood Supreme Guide, accused the National Democratic Party of being behind the exclusion of the Brotherhood from the opposition bloc. Habib refused to speak critically of Dr. Rifa'at Al-Sa'id, the head of the Tagammu Party in order not to terminate...
The possibility that the Muslim Brotherhood would strike an alliance with the Nasserist Party brings up the question of how the Brotherhood will be able to forget the persecution they faced during the rule of Abdel Nasser when they were imprisoned and tortured. The history of relations between the...
The Muslim Brotherhood never forgets its aim, which is to take hold of power in Egypt. They are not frank enough to admit it. After a period of silence, they have again started a dialogue with opposition parties. The outcome of the past months did not smell of anything positive as the mutual...
The strong disagreements that broke out between Al-Tagammu [left wing] Party and the Muslim Brotherhood were due to the personal opinions of Dr. Rifa’at Al-Said who is against the Muslim Brotherhood and political Islam. Al-Said said that the fact that Al-Tagammu agreed to meet with the Muslim...
People in the Gama’at al-Islamiya have been talking in the past three months about the initiative to end violence and ideological revisions made by the Gama’at Al-Islamiya and the Jihad group. In spite of these initiatives, security forces foiled attempts to revive the activities of organizations...
The article is an interview with the Supreme Guide of the Brotherhood Muhammad The interview focuses on the political reform initiative the Brotherhood declared from inside the Journalist Syndicate.
The first deputy of the supreme guide of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Dr. Muhammad Al-Sayyed Habib, denied that the Muslim Brotherhood is afraid of the formation of the Al-Wasat Al-Islami [The Islamic Middle] Party, most of whose members are dissenters from the Brotherhood. Habib said that he...


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