Displaying 31 - 40 of 124.
A few days before the Shūrá Council elections, the government began a massive security raid of the Muslim Brotherhood organization and detained many of the group’s supporters. Senior officers of the Brotherhood defined the procedures as a prepared plan to rig the results of the election.
Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Mahdī ‘Ākif dismissed the allegation that any dialogues were taking place between the group and the Americans, saying, “no matter the pressures we are facing inside the country, we would never seek help from the United States. The US knows well that we are totally...
Dr. Muhammad Habīb, the deputy Murshid of the Muslim Brotherhood, has denied reports of a deal between the banned group and the government.
Dr. Muhammad Habib, deputy of the Supreme Guide of the Brotherhood announced that the group seeks to open dialogue with small opposition parties following the dialogue it has opened with major opposition parties: Al-the Wafd party, the Nasserist party and theAl- Tagammu party. The Brotherhood...
Concerning the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Egyptian political arena, the confusion the outlawed group is going through is easily sensed. Obviously, this confusion is reflected in all of its decisions, namely those related with escalations against the ruling regime.
A document forwarded by the neo-conservatives in the United States to President George W. Bush contained their recommendation to the US administration to deal with all the emerging mainstreams including the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, in a way to avoid having an anti-US regime in the future.
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood leaders have replied to the attempts of the US Embassy in Cairo and later the European Union (EU) to start launching a dialogue with the group, which has been approved on condition that this takes place via the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The outlawed Muslim Brotherhood denied it had called for civil disobedience to prevent President Husnī Mubārak from running in the elections next September.
Muslim Brotherhood’s First Deputy, Dr. Muhammad Habîb, stormed out of the media conference held at the Irshād [Guidance] office last Wednesday after Dr. Nu‘mān Jumca evaded many questions about his stance on the establishment of a Muslim Brotherhood political party.
Since the Muslim Brotherhood announced that it has not yet decided which candidates to support, telephone calls have been flooding the office of the murshid [guide], Muhammad Mahdī ‘Ākif, from those seeking the Brotherhood’s backing.


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