Displaying 41 - 50 of 124.
As elections for the Shūrá Council approach, the article discusses the Muslim Brotherhood’s continued intentions to run in the election, despite the fact that they run under a religious slogan “Islam is the Solution.”
Although the recent amendments to the Egyptian Constitution ban any political participation that uses religious slogans or authorities, the Muslim Brotherhood has declared it would enter the coming elections of the Shūrá Council with their famous slogan, "Islam is the Solution."
Within days of leaking news about the main features of the platform of the proposed Muslim Brotherhood party, scores of political powers and thinkers have warned that the party could be acting against the law because it would be based on religious references. Such fears have impacted the...
Despite the public uproar, the constitutional amendments were approved in a vote in Parliament. While the government and its advocators assert the importance of the amendments in enhancing democracy and supporting people, the opposition considers them an enhancement of the powers of the ruling and...
The article represents the different viewpoints of the Muslims and Copts regarding Coptic-Muslim relations in Egypt and the political agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood.
After the efforts the Brotherhood exerted to cement its ties with the three major opposition parties, the Wafd, the Tagammu and the Nasserist parties, opposition parties decided to exclude the Muslim Brotherhood from a body including all opposition parties pursuing political reform.
The article explains that the appointment of Muhammad Mahdī Akef supreme guide of the Muslim Brotherhood after the death of its former supreme guide Councilor Ma?moun al-Hudaiby has not brought any practical change to the status of the Brotherhood in Egypt as an outlaw group
Egyptian security forces recently launched a massive drive against leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, since group-related students gave a military style rally in the Azhar University a few months ago [AWR, week 51, 2006, article 26]. Members of the group say that the crackdown aims at removing the...
Despite the acquittal of Khayrat al-Shāṭir, the second deputy of the Muslim Brotherhood’s supreme guide, along with 39 prominent members of the group by a Cairo criminal court ruling, President Muhammad Ḥusnī Mubārak, acting in his capacity as the supreme commander of the armed forces, referred the...
The article presents a dialogue with the famous Egyptian geologist, Dr. Rushdī Sa‘īd, in which he talks about Copts and citizenship.


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